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Interviwing ...No Brainer


Submitted By frenchparadoxe
Words 980
Pages 4
Case study NIKE Key concept

Key issues

What is international Mgt ? what are the key issues ? =

2 Mnagement issues in NIKE study case
1/The key issues are social responsibility =

2/ laso aboput corporate image ..Nike has a problem Cormportae image = magt issue = issue of the CEO responsibility
Image of the whole company. If bad corporate image , impact not only on sales, but on more than that.
Frontier about MKT & MGT

Key question:

Agenda afternoon working on case study

Principles & rules to make good presentation
Don’t read the scream you have to keep contact with the audience
You except feedback from the audienc e you adapt your message to the audience

Defin your objective = planning

If you don’t’ know how to defione your objective, you’re lost

Yearbook = objective = givce a good image of the MIM students to employers
We want to biuild opur self estime when you see your achievement
Participate in building your self estime

Confusions between the goal and the ways the reach the gaol!

If you don’t know where you are going, you can-t reach it.

Objective = iompress the audience

Breing a circus, fireworks, schow…
The objective will define
5” to present the agenda =
During the poresentation ,
Money refund = remboursement

Us = if you don’t help me to make money, good bye.

No focus in one area
Watch for active listening
Watch carefully, if boresd it they agree,

Right posture
Show that you are an
Mobile hands, use your feet, have eye contact
No notes….
How to deal with question and answers

3 parts:
1/ opening
= I’s my pleasure, it’s my honor to

Technical training about the equipement:
The beener = le rétrop-projecteur
FN = function for

Written communication
Written & oral communication diffetrent = because medium is not the same the medium will influence the message

Oral = fast communication peole don’t have time to analyse = hot medium = fast message = more emotional = can impress, influence people because influenceing

Written = cold medium = use you brain, have time to read, read agin, analyse, can go iinto detail you can analyse …

TV = hot medium = react quickly

Magazine = take your time, can anlyse

Hard on issue, soft on people = ferme sur les enjeux, les questions clé, mais doux sur les gens.

La règle :
Tu = tue la relation.
Je = mets en perspective, j’assume…à mon avis, je trouve que….

Journaliste TV = style info entertainement attitude = hypocrite , démagogique
Si ‘lobjectifg est to entertain, on peut utiliser ce style
Il y a autant de types de communication que d’objectifs de la communication

Au début, je demande quelles sont les attentes de l’auditoire ?
Je note les attentes,
Quand je ne peux pas répondre au attentes, je prends note et je réponds après avoir fait les recherches nécessaires

What il Intenrational MGT, yopu have to run many companies$

Oragnisation = a system
A bigger system = environnement has a big impact on the survival og the organization
Recognize the différentes factors that will have an influence on the ornagnisaton

A school is and org
Profit and non-profit org
Any time of group of people
Army =org. All org. need mgt.

A big compn,ay like tobacco can infli=ence the factors
Smll companies cannot.

Some org are bigger than some conutries

= general environnement factors = PEST = political,economic, sociocultural, technology, environement,, demogrphic
Anaysle your environeemnt to antivipate to adapte the org . to the environnement

Ex/ Nike vs Adidas
20 years ago Adoidas = 1st sports shoes and apparel (clothes) with markets only in Europe
First focus = produce for professionnals

Wrong strategy
Nike arrived manufacturing in low costs countries because the wanted to have more marging.
Since they produces with less mloney, the had a lot a lot of money to put on marketing = the focused on mass market = new business model used by companies
1st company to outshoot ther prodictionuse subcontrazctors

Nike very quickelyu becnae le leader of the market.

CEO Nikez = visonaire =
This model is good, but it also has its problems:

Adidas didn’t see
Flip up
Adidas was not good in becoming global
Political factor: Nike manuf products in Indonesia = Nike directly negociate with the gvt; the company brings jobs & the country Nike is responsible for the country’s growth.

Sociao cultural
Adidae didn’t see the social-cultural trends = Nike understood that people had more free time for leasure and so=port

Internet, robots, usinf IT to make manufacturing

Demlographic: all countries are dec;lining besuace ;less kids. New coutnries, asia, Africa, peoale are growing

Global factor, because of Intenret, TV, you can see the same event all around the wolrd

Pressure group = goupe de pression

General environemlent = macro-enveiro
Specific env. = micro envi. = groupe des pressions, fournisseurs, union,

2 customers : Final consumer, sell to distributoirs

Domaine d’activité stratégique = stratégig business activities
To outsource = externaliser
The swootch = la virgule de NIKE = greque ancien NIKE = desses de la victoire symboliclaly very important

Inrenartionla mgt = having diff companies in différentes countries they locat the company in order to the stragéy
They locate the manufacturing in low cost countries

Stakeholders = acteurs clé (du pouvoir)

Shareholders will lend you money, in retunr, they expect profit
You have to communicate with them to get money & support you have to interact with them

Shareholders have the money = they decide

Employees = they interact with you, you communicaiote with they (corporate / internal communication)

Customers = important = satisfy , good product, good price, = markting communication (internet, ad, mar

Social & political group = you cannot avoid them because they have strong power & can harm your image
How to interact with them? = if you are pointed out = it’s to late.
You need to antricipate….
Crisis mgt = option a, b, c, d = for each option I have anticipate, I have a speech ready = magt issue
As a CEO you have to be prepared… you need to list all
Harassement crisis =

Quanbd on nous accuse de qqch c’est qu’on est coupable.

e-reputation =

executive summury pour lundi

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