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Investment of Home


Submitted By phoenixkid
Words 1704
Pages 7
The Investment Value of Home Ownership by Clarence C. Rose, PhD

Abstract: Under tbe currentfitiance and economic environment, even with fears of a potential real estate bubble, home ownership may be one of the best long-term investment opportunities available today. For most Americans, their homes are their greatest source of net worth and a substantial source of tax savings. This article presents an overview of the tax savings opportunities available to homeowners and analyzes the investment value of home ownership in the current real estate environment using different levels of mortgage financing and costs of renting compared to owning a home over different time horizons.

Introduction or many Americans, the purchase of a home is a major step toward the fulfillment of the American dream. It is a very personal and emotional transaction involving a tremendous feeling of pride of ownership and family security. In addition to being a very emotional experience, buying a home is an important financial transaction. For most Americans, the purchase of a home is the largest purchase that they will ever make, their homes are their greatest source of net worth, and the ownership of a home offers tax savings opportunities that are difficult to match. In the year 2004, the percentage of Americans owning homes reached an all-time high. Approximately 70% of the adult population or roughly 120 miilion people in the United States are currently homeowners.' The recent upward trend in home ownership has been aided by record low mortgage interest rates, an improving economy, and the many tax savings benefits of home ownership. This article analyzes the investment valtie of home ownership in the current real estate environment usine different levels of mortgage financing and costs of renting compared to owning a home over different investment time horizons. The after-tax rate of

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