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Submitted By jbrmin
Words 1170
Pages 5
CHAPTER 2: Internet &
World Wide Web
Internet is simply defined as a global system of interconnected networks and is often referred to as the
Information Superhighway because it connects millions of people across the globe.

Difference between Internet and World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (WWW) or just “the Web”, as ordinary people call it, is a subset of the internet. The
Web consists of pages that can be accessed using a
Web browser. The internet is the actual network of networks where all the information resides. Things like FTP, internet gaming and Internet Relay Chat
(IRC), are all part of the internet, but are not part of the world wide web.

Common Uses of Internet:
1. Communication
- The most popular internet activity
- Sending email or chat others

2. E-Commerce

Fastest growing internet application
Shop and sell products such as, or even in facebook and instagram

3. Searching

Information is becoming more convenient and easier to access
Books and references are available in clicks 4. Entertainment

Watch movies, play online games and listen to music, etc.

5. Education or e-learning

Another emerging internet web application Online courses

6. Jobs

Internet makes life easy for both employers and job seekers as there are plenty of job sites which connects employers and job seekers.

7. Services

Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, hotel reservations and bills paying. Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more.

1. Browsers
- Programs that provide access to web resources/allows you to surf the internet.
Web browsers include: o Google Chrome o Mozilla Firefox o Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge o Apple Safari
- Allows

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