Premium Essay



Submitted By donadavis
Words 263
Pages 2
What are the three dimensions to business problems? Provide examples of each. The three dimensions to business problems are organizational, people, and technology. The organizational dimension consists of outdated business procedures, political conflict, difficult business environment, and inadequate resources. Organizational problems can also include inadequate business practices that have gone unchanged over time, office politics that cause friction between management, and changes to the organizational environment itself. Problems arise with the people dimension because of poor employee training, work environment conditions, lack of employee support, and poor management skills. The company or organizations are only as good as the people who work there every day. The training of employees plays a big part in how the information system functions. Other problems that are associated with people include poor recruitment, lack of motivation, inadequate employee training, lack of performance evaluations, and problems with indecisive decision-making. The technology dimension consists of aged hardware that is insufficient to meet current technological standards, outdated software, inadequate database capacity, and frequent technological changes. Technology problems can cover a wide range of things such as outdated software; insufficient or old hardware; a database with insufficient capacity; an inadequate telecommunications system; and all of the problems that are associated with trying to merge old and new systems.

What is the difference between IT and information systems? Describe some functions of information systems. Information Systems are sources of information technology expanded, which permits manipulation, storage, and distribution of information and IT is a sector or branch, which gives with the managing of information. Information technology (IT)

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