Premium Essay

James Randle's Experiment

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Most of the participants that took both experiments scored below the median for psychic ability. In the deck of cards experiment, there were 25 cards and each with a symbol from the five available. If the viewer were to guess, then 1 in 5 responses should be correct, or in other words, the viewer has a 20% of chance choosing the correct symbol. Furthermore, one can expect the viewer to have 5 of the 25 responses correct. In the experiment, Viewer 1 got a total of 5 correct and 20 incorrect responses. Viewer 2 got 8 correct and 17 incorrect of the 25 cards. Both Viewers predicted around 20% of the cards correct, which is around the amount one would expect from guessing. It was believed that if the participant got about half or more of …show more content…
A women by the name of Mrs. Putt, who believed she had paranormal abilities agreed to his terms, and wanted to demonstrate that she really was medium. Mrs. Putt ran many experiments through Randi’s staff to prove she was a medium, but all were rejected but one. Her task was to write down a reading for each of the ten volunteers whom she had never met before. The volunteers wore random clothing and faced away from her so that she would not get any ideas from the participants’ physical appearances. If Mrs. Putt gave five of the ten volunteers a correct reading then she was deemed psychic. “Unfortunately for Mrs Putt, every single volunteer chose a reading that had not been written for them” (French, 2009). The volunteers all chose the wrong readings which led to the conclusion that Mrs. Putt was not psychic. Although, this experiment was done in the early 1960s, one can compare does results with that of the psychic and astrologists experiment results. In all cases, it is safe to say that the participants were found not to have psychic abilities. These findings are important because they raise a few questions to those who still practice many forms of psychic abilities. May be having someone predict one’s future is more of a mental game. If one believes that something might happen, then maybe it is more prone to become

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