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Job Seeking


Submitted By akhila123
Words 288
Pages 2
11-13-46, Near Old Check Post, Phone: +918143317978
Ramireddypet, Narasaraopet, Guntur District, Email:
Andhra Pradesh, India-522601. CAREER OBJECTIVE: To enhance my professional skills and capabilities in an organization, where I can be a part of an enthusiastic and hard-working team of skilled individuals. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:

* Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science 78.49 % (May 2016)
Krishnaveni Engineering College for Women
(Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University) * Intermediate Education 73.20 % (May 2012)
Bhavana Junior College
(Board of Intermediate) * Secondary School Certificate 74.50 % (May 2010)
St .Joseph’s High School
(Board of Secondary Education)

Languages : C Programming .
Operating Systems : Windows XP and Windows 7.
Basic Computer Skills : MS Word, Power Point and Excel.
PAPER PRESENTATIONS TOPICS: * Wi-Fi technologies. * 4G-technologies. * Cloud Computing.

* Stood class 1st in all my Academic Regular Examination conducted till now by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. * Maintained consistency in topping class with exceptional academic record. * Co-ordinated “Sayonara Celebrations”, a college level program conducted by Krishnaveni Engineering College in April-2015. * Receiving cash reward from honorable AP assembly speaker Dr. Kodela Siva Prasad Rao Garu for stood college second in second year. * Participated in SIX SIGMA workshop . * Stood first in Paper Presentation and Poster Presentation Competition, conducted by the Department of CSE, on the eve of Engineers Day in Sep-2015. PERSONALITY TRAITS: * Smart working and Adaptability. * Good Communication Skills. * Task Oriented and can work under pressure. * Self motivated, initiative, high level of energy.

Father’s Name : D. Chinna Naidu
Date of Birth : 6th August, 1995
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Single
Languages Known : English and Telugu.
Hobbies : Ethnic-Garnishing, Paper quilling and Singing. Date:
(D.S.L. Akhila)

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...many organizations implementing the same. It provides flexibility to work part-time and work from home, which is a critical issue for many working females particularly and also among the male members where they can manage their family and work life very well. It provides a heightened sense of loyalty to the employees because they know that their boss trusts them to do their job sincerely, which in turn increases their pride and responsibility towards their work. It has been witnessed that productivity improves when the focus on work improves. It allows people to develop a better understanding of their job and eliminate office space time-wasters like "fake meetings" etc. ROWE also eliminates the illusion of productivity created by the "come early, leave late" mentality many firms require for promotion. Thus the focus is primarily towards results instead of punching the time clock or logging desk time. 2. Identify factors in the ROWE program that might make using it for retail employees more difficult than using it for managers and employees in corporate offices, technical centers, and nonretail jobs and locations. The ROWE-type program has been implemented by various organizations across a broad spectrum in different departments such as IT, back office, etc. But at places like retail stores or bank branches, where one to one customer interaction and service...

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