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Wilson Electronics Cellular Booster Database Requirements

Cellular Booster O-14828 Version 1.06

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Wilson Electronics

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Wilson Electronics Cellular Booster Database Requirements - v1.06


Change History Version # 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 Reason Author Date 2014/04/11 2014/04/16 2014/04/21 2014/04/22

Initial Release Condensed parameters Consensus reached on majority of parameters Added specifics about DB connection, changed AGC Test Parameters Moved some configuration items to test limit sections

Al Braga Al Braga Al Braga Al Braga Al Braga



1.05 1.06

Merged RF Test Sections, added error, clarified Al Braga some parameter types. Removed all Station Name inputs Al Braga

2014/05/14 2014/05/15

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Table of content
Purpose and Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Considerations .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Database Connectivity .................................................................................................................................. 5 Database Open ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Wilson API Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 5 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................... 5
Database Close ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Wilson API Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 5
Averna Test Station Inputs ............................................................................................................................ 6 RF Test Limits and Configuration .............................................................................................................. 6

Wilson API Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 6 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................... 6
Programming Test Configuration .............................................................................................................. 8

Wilson API Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 8 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................... 8
Station Calibration Test Limits and Configuration ..................................................................................... 9

Wilson API Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 9 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................... 9
Fixture Calibration Test Limits and Configuration ................................................................................... 10

Wilson API Inputs ................................................................................................................................ 10 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 10
Averna Test Station Outputs ....................................................................................................................... 11 Common Test Run Output....................................................................................................................... 11

Wilson API Inputs ................................................................................................................................ 11 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 12
Station Calibration Test Output ................................................................................................................ 13

Wilson API Inputs ................................................................................................................................ 13 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 13
Fixture Calibration Test Output ................................................................................................................ 14

Wilson API Inputs ................................................................................................................................ 14 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 14
Error Handling ......................................................................................................................................... 14

Wilson API Inputs ................................................................................................................................ 14 Wilson API Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 14
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Wilson Electronics Cellular Booster Database Requirements - v1.06


Purpose and Scope
This document has been created as a means of communicating between Wilson Electronics and Averna Test Systems the shared responsibilities and requirements of using a single database with a shared design. Wilson is in the process or merging a number of segregated databases into unified single database architecture. At the same time Wilson has called out a number of requirements of the Averna provided test station that require integration into said database. The following considerations need resolution before Averna provided Cellular Booster Test Station architecture and design can be completed.

As of release date of this document the design of the Wilson database is not complete. This document hopes to provide the necessary information required to integrate the Averna supplied test station. Averna does not have a representative amount of data within its local copy of the existing database to perform evaluative queries, as a result there is confusion regarding what is required to provide the exact records for any one query.

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Database Connectivity
Wilson shall provide a mechanism where multiple TestStand executions (threads) can independently communicate with the database. As a result the database API must allow for multiple calls to open, read, write, and close calls.

Database Open
Wilson will provide a single API call to connect to the database. This call returns a handle that all subsequent database calls will use. Wilson API Inputs Inputs to the Database open function shall be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Database IP address (string provided from Configuration File) Database Name (string provided from Configuration File) User Name (string provided from Configuration File) Password (string provided from Configuration File)

Wilson API Outputs 1. Database Handle (integer)

Database Close
Wilson will provide a single API call to cleanup any resources associated with the database . Wilson API Inputs Inputs to the Database close function shall be as follows: 1. Database Handle (integer)

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Averna Test Station Inputs
RF Test Limits and Configuration
Averna requires a mechanism (either .NET API or SQL statements) such that providing inputs similar to those below, the required outputs are retrieved from the Wilson database. Wilson API Inputs Inputs to the API call or SQL statement includes the following parameters. 1. 2. 3. 4. DB Handle (integer) Model Number (string as returned from UUT Barcode) Bom Name (string as return from the UUT Barcode) Band Number (integer as in 4,5,25,12,13 for the 460004 model)

Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters. Required Outputs include the following for each band. This should be returned as a 2 dimensional array of strings (Averna will be responsible for casting the data to the appropriate type): Each entry in the 2D array will be Name, Value, and TestSpecID such that a sample array would resemble the following: {{“POT_LEDMinColorLimit”, “NL”, “12345”},{POT_LEDMaxColorLimit”, “GR”, “12347”}…} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. POT_LEDMinColorLimit (string) POT_LEDMaxColorLimit (string) TXG_InitialFrequency (integer) TXG_FinalFrequency (integer) TXG_MaxGainLimitLow (double) TXG_MaxGainLimitHigh (double) TXG_EEPROMGainLimitLow (integer) TXG_EEPROMGainLimitHigh (integer) TXG_PeakToPeakLimit (double) TXG_InputPower (double) TXG_FreqSweepStep (integer) TXG_MeasDelay (double) TXG_TargetGain (double) TXG_MGTestCount (integer) TXG_PeakToPeakTestCount (integer) TXG_RebootAfterChange (boolean) TXAGC _InitialPower (double) TXAGC _FinalPower (double) 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. TXAGC_AGCLimitLow (double) TXAGC_AGCLimitHigh (double) TXAGC _EepromAGCLimitLow (integer) TXAGC _EepromAGCLimitHigh (integer) TXAGC _LEDColorLimit (string) TXAGC _AdjacentLimit (double) TXAGC _AlternateLimit (double) TXAGC _PowerSweepStep (double) TXAGC _MeasDelay (double) TXAGC _TargetPower (double) TXAGC _RebootAfterChange (boolean) TXAGC _Averages (integer) TXAGC _AGCTestCount (integer) TXAGC _ACPRTestCount (integer) RXG_InitialFrequency (integer) RXG_FinalFrequency (integer) RXG_MaxGainLimitLow (double) RXG_MaxGainLimitHigh (double)

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37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.

RXG_EEPROMGainLimitLow (integer) RXG_EEPROMGainLimitHigh (integer) RXG_PeakToPeakLimit (double) RXG_InputPower (double) RXG_FreqSweepStep (integer) RXG_MeasDelay (double) RXG_TargetGain (double) RXG_MGTestCount (integer) RXG_PeakToPeakTestCount (integer) RXG_RebootAfterChange (boolean) RXAGC_InitialPower (double) RXAGC_FinalPower (double) RXAGC_AGCLimitLow (double) RXAGC_AGCLimitHigh (double) RXAGC_EepromAGCLimitLow (integer) RXAGC_EepromAGCLimitHigh (integer)

53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.

RXAGC_LEDColorLimit (double) RXAGC_PowerSweepStep (double) RXAGC_MeasDelay (double) RXAGC_TargetPower (double) RXAGC_RebootAfterChange (boolean) RXAGC_TestCount (integer) RXEVM_EVMLimitLow (double) RXEVM_EVMLimitHigh (double) RXEVM_InputPower (double) RXEVM_MeasDelay (double) RXEVM_Averages (integer) TXOSC_LEDLimit (string) TXOSC_MeasLimit (double) RXOSC_LEDLimit (string) RXOSC_MeasLimit (double)

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Programming Test Configuration
In order to reduce the amount of data passed between the database and the test station and to provide additional flexibility, Wilson will be responsible for calculating the average EEPROM values that are loaded prior to testing. As a result only two values are required from the database, UUT Firmware and Averaged EEPROM values. Wilson API Inputs Possible inputs to the API call or SQL statement includes the following parameters. 1. 2. 3. 4. DB Handle (integer) Password (string provided by Wilson) Model Number (string as returned from UUT Barcode) Bom Name (string as return from the UUT Barcode)

Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters. Required Outputs include: 1. 2. 3. 4. FirmwareRevision (integer) Microprocessor (string) Firmware (text) Averaged EEPROM values (array of bytes, EEPROM values 2-21 in EEPROM order) a. If NULL returned use initial values from firmware b. Else use the one returned record to write to the UUT EEPROM

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Station Calibration Test Limits and Configuration
This function shall provide configuration information for the calibration process. Throughout the calibration process, new calibrated values are compared to the “golden” values as stored on the station. The following test limits are used to judge whether or not the current calibration values have deviated too far from the golden (potentially indicating the station instrumentation may require calibration from the manufacturer). Wilson API Inputs Possible inputs to the API call or SQL statement includes the following parameters. 1. DB Handle (integer) 2. Configuration ID (string as return from the Station Configuration Barcode) Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters. The Wilson API function shall output as reference parameters the following individual items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Golden Deviation High (double) Golden Deviation Low (double) Power Tolerance Interferer (double) Power Tolerance Generator (double) Power Averages (integer) Uplink Frequencies (array of doubles) Downlink Frequencies (array of doubles) Uplink Tone Powers (array of doubles) Downlink Tone Powers (array of doubles) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Uplink LTE Powers (array of doubles) Downlink LTE Powers (array of doubles) Interferer Powers (array of doubles) Uplink Tone Analysis Powers (array of doubles) Downlink Tone Analysis Powers (array of doubles) 15. Uplink LTE Analysis Powers (array of doubles) 16. Downlink LTE Analysis Powers (array of doubles)

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Fixture Calibration Test Limits and Configuration
This function shall provide configuration information for the calibration process. Throughout the calibration process, new calibrated values are compared to the “golden” values as stored in the database. The following test limits are used to judge whether or not the current calibration values have deviated too far from the golden (potentially indicating the fixture may require servicing). Wilson API Inputs Possible inputs to the API call or SQL statement includes the following parameters. 1. DB Handle (integer) 2. Model (string as returned from Fixture Calibration Barcode) 3. Configuration ID (string as return from the Fixture Configuration Barcode) Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters. The Wilson API function shall output as reference parameters the following individual items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Uplink Min Loss Limit (double) Uplink Max Loss Limit (double) Downlink Min Loss Limit (double) Downlink Max Loss Limit (double) Average Count (integer) Power (double) Frequencies(array of doubles) Uplink Loss Ratio (double)

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Averna Test Station Outputs
Common Test Run Output
Wilson API Inputs Wilson has requested the following output to accompany the common test results. This can be passed into a .NET API or SQL station. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. DB Handle (integer) Fixture Position (integer) UUT Serial Number (string) Station Software Version (string) Operator ID (integer) Firmware Revision (integer) Final EEPROM Settings (array of shorts) // EEPROM values 2-21 in EEPROM order Overall Test Results (boolean) Individual Test Results (2D array of strings)

Averna sources these items from the following locations: Fixture Number UUT Serial Number Station Software Version Operator Name/ID Final EEPROM Settings Overall Test Result Individual Test Results Position 1-6, Provided from User Scan Parsed from UUT Barcode Scan (perhaps full barcode would be better) Global Variable within Test Stand Station Sequence File Collected from User Login to Station Saved within test script variable Saved within test script property Saved within test script variables

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Individual Test Results Individual test results will be stored in the form of a 2d array where each array corresponds to a single test result. Each test results array shall contain in this order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DB Handle (integer) Band (string) Direction (string) Test Name (string) Test Status (string) Test Results (string) Test Specification ID (string) Test Execution Times (string)

Averna can provide the following items for each testable item in each procedure: Band Direction Test Name Test Status Test Result Test Spec ID Test Execution Time Saved within test step variable Saved within test step variable Saved within test step property Saved within test step property Saved within test step property Saved within test step variable Saved within test sequence property (multiple results per test would have same value)

The Individual Test Results array contains arrays of single values. An example of the 2D array is as follows: {{“4”,“TX”,”LG_MAXGAIN”,“1”,“30.44”,“12345”,“13”}, {“4”, “TX”,” LG_EEPROM”, “1”, “10”, “12343”, “2”},…} Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters.

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Station Calibration Test Output
This section pertains to the Test portion of the calibration routine. Each Calibration compares its results to the Golden Calibration. Averna feels that the calibration data is station specific and contains many complex data structures (multidimensional arrays) that it is best to leave them as files on the station. These test results however could be stored within Wilson’s database in order to notify technicians when an issue arises. Wilson API Inputs 1. DB Handle (integer) 2. Fixture Number (integer) 3. Operator ID (integer) 4. Uplink High-Medium Gain Deviation (double) 5. Uplink Medium-Low Gain Deviation (double) 6. Uplink Tone Generation Deviation (double) 7. Uplink LTE Generation Deviation (double) 8. Downlink High-Medium Gain Deviation (double) 9. Downlink Medium-Low Gain Deviation (double) 10. Downlink Tone Generation Deviation (double) 11. Downlink LTE Generation Deviation (double) 12. Impairment Gain Deviation (double) 13. Impairment Power Deviation (double) 14. Impairment Rejecter Power Deviation (double) 15. Uplink Tone Analysis Deviation (double) 16. Uplink LTE Analysis Deviation (double) 17. Downlink Tone Analysis Deviation (double) 18. Downlink LTE Analysis Deviation (double)

Averna shall provide the configuration parameters as individual values to the Wilson API call. Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters.

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Fixture Calibration Test Output
This section pertains to the Test portion of the calibration routine. Each Calibration compares its results to the Golden Calibration. Averna feels that the calibration data is station specific and contains many complex data structures (multidimensional arrays) that it is best to leave them as files on the station. These test results however could be stored within Wilson’s database in order to notify technicians when an issue arises. Wilson API Inputs 1. DB Handle (integer) 2. Fixture Number (integer) 3. Operator ID (integer) 4. Uplink Cable Losses (double) 5. Downlink Cable Losses (double)

Averna shall provide the configuration parameters as individual values to the Wilson API call. Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters.

Error Handling
Both calibration routines and RF Tests have the potential to throw and error. This needs to be captured and stored. Wilson API Inputs 1. DB Handle (integer) 2. Fixture Number (integer) 3. Operator ID (integer) 4. Error Code (integer) 5. Error Message (string) Averna shall provide the configuration parameters as individual values to the Wilson API call. Wilson API Outputs The API call shall return error code and error message along with the following parameters.

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...Existing Schedule | |Proposed Schedule | | | |25 June 2011 8:00 AM -11:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM |5 |25 June 2011 8:00 AM -12:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM |7 | |02 July 2011 8:00 AM -11:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM |5 | | | |09 July 2011 8:00 AM -11:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM |5 |09 July 2011 8:00 AM -12:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM |8 | |16 July 2011 8:00 AM -11:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM |5 | | | |23 July 2011 8:00 AM -11:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM |5 |23 July 2011 8:00 AM -12:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM |7 | |30 July 2011 8:00 AM -11:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM |5 |30 July 2011 8:00 AM -12:00 AM and 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM |8 | | |30 hours | ...

Words: 1197 - Pages: 5

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...LBS 3001: Introduction to Labor Studies (Section RXLA-55242) Summer A 2013 Instructor: Professor Alí R. Bustamante Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays / 11:00am – 1:40pm Credits: 3 Location: PC 439 Office Hours: LC 315, one hour before class or by appointment. E-mail: Department Phone: (305) 348-1519 Course Description: This course will introduce you to the challenges and struggles of working people in the United States. In our readings and classroom discussions, we will pay close attention to the conditions faced by low-wage workers in industrial, agricultural, and service jobs, as well as the impact of globalization on labor markets in the U.S. and abroad. We will also look at some of the hidden dimensions of working-class life through the lens of slavery, immigration, and global economic competition. By the end of the course, you will understand and be able to analyze: 1. What class is and how it operates in American society; 2. What it is like to work at a various low-wage jobs while trying to sustain yourself; 3. The impact of race, ethnicity, and gender on conditions in the American workplace; 4. How management exerts control over industrial, agricultural, and service workers; 5. The impact of large retailers and other consumer-oriented industries in determining conditions in the modern American workplace; 6. The role of immigration and the immigrant experience in the American workplace; 7. The evolution of and relationship...

Words: 1601 - Pages: 7

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The Lost City of Atlantis

...Sammie Williams Ms. Janine Hornung OCEA & 101 12 October 2012 The lost City of Atlantis “Long ago there existed an island, populated by a noble and powerful race. This beautiful place was a domain of Poseidon, god of the sea, who had fallen in love with a mortal woman, Cleito. He created a magnificent palace for her in the centre of the island. The people of this land possessed great wealth thanks to the abundant natural resources of the island, which was also a centre for trade and commerce. The rulers held sway not just over their own people but over the Mediterranean, Europe and North Africa” (Menzies). The Greek philosopher, Plato, wrote the above description of Atlantis in 355 B.C. Plato had originally planned to write a trilogy of books on subjects such as the creation of the world, the nature of man, the story of Atlantis as well as other subjects. The first book, Timaeus, was completed, Critias, which contains the story of Atlantis, was incomplete, and Hemocrates, was never written (Levy). The story of Atlantis is one of the oldest myths of mankind, a lost paradise and the most popular of all supposed advanced prehistoric lost civilizations. It’s location has been assigned to almost every possible place on earth including Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Israel, Sinai, Sweden, Bahamas, Bermuda Triangle, Japan and even Kumari Kandam (“Lost Continent”). In Plato's book, Timaeus, a character named Kritias tells an account of Atlantis that has been in...

Words: 1210 - Pages: 5

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...Strategy Recommendation Project: Samsung Group and Samsung Electronics MBA6004 Foundational Skills for Business Leaders Abstract This paper analyzes how Samsung can continue to maintain a competitive advantage over its competitors by incorporating social networking sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Vine into its social media strategy. Samsung has a long track record of excellence and continues to be a powerful and reliable brand to millions of users. Presently, Samsung is marketing primarily through YouTube and television ads. Yet, with the rapid changes in technology, Samsung’s use of Instagram, Twitter and other social networking sites can allow the business to take its brand to significant levels. Taking advantage of multiple social networking sites can not only help Samsung maintain a competitive edge, it will allow the company to maximize its business and foster real brand advocates and loyal customers. With the undeniable popularity and rapid expansion of Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites, the benefits would be significantly worth Samsung using these platforms as a part of its social media strategy. The History of Samsung Samsung is a multi-million dollar technology company founded by Lee Byung-chul as a trading company in 1938 which sells everything from televisions to cell phones, to appliances and other commodity products. Samsung first...

Words: 1901 - Pages: 8