Premium Essay

Jonathan Rauch: The Defense Of Incendiary Speech

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Words 437
Pages 2
Reading response 2 Junior Zuniga Political Science

Jonathan Rauch focuses on the defense of incendiary speech. Rauch argues throughout the reading that many of the policies that come from hate speeches actually limit the right of freedom of speech.Jonathan Rauch makes it known that he is a homosexual jewish male. Rauch's does not support or condone racism but he truly believes in the right to be able to speak freely without having fear or being punished. Rauch Provides both sides of the topic. On one side he explains the more traditional culture of the personals of the …show more content…
Rauch does not believe in purism and insist that prejudice cannot be eliminated until society gets rid of all offensive prejudices. Rauch feels like the only way minorities can be safe in society and be treated fairly is by expunging all sorts of racism and biased opinions. Rauch states that “a fair and safe society can be only where there is no discrimination.” On the other side of the story Rauch gives arguments about how prejudices is good for society and lets us practices our rights. I did not agree with Rauch reasonings of defending prejudices. I feel like being prejudices should not be allowed. Being prejudice can lead to conflicts and racial tension especially in the United

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