Premium Essay

Joseph Stalin


Submitted By HappyCat12
Words 1341
Pages 6
Joseph (Dzhughashvili) Stalin accomplished many achievements for the Russia people during his life time, unfortunately at the expense of many lives, and others he sent into exile, in gulag camps in Siberia. He was born in Gori, Georgia, the son of a poor shoemaker in 1879. Like most young Russian men, of Stalin time, he struggled to find his way, but after much hardship in Georgia. He grew to be anti-government and the Marxist ideas were his new found believes. Stalin elected President after Lenin death in 1924. “The Russian Revolution was a war between the Bolshevik (Red Guard), communist, and Mensheviks (White Guard)”, Frazee, C. A. p179. Joseph Stalin fought in the civil war Bolshevik, standing strong on his ideals of socialism was the only way Russian would survive. His authoritarian rule forced the Russian people to believe as he did that socialism the right way and capitalism was wrong. While Stalin was in power, his ruling strategies industrialized the country, communized their agriculture, and he made Russia a more active country on international affairs, he lead his country to a superpower.
The early years of Stalin were the foundational years that gave him the true since of poverty, “an uptown boy, he distinguished himself in fighting, in Russian of the late 1880 and early 1890, Stalin at the age of fifteen adopted the Marxist ways” Davies, S. and Harris J P30. The ideas of Marxism, in the beginning, remained blind to the majority of Georgian’s country men. He attended Tiflis seminary; Stalin continued to study Marxism with extreme securitizes, fearing this was just another right wing political agenda. After the assassination of the tsar in 1881 “this accelerated the political shift form populism to Marxism and also took a more violent forms” Davies, S. and Harris J P31, the Russia governing movement began. A young man during the Russian Revolution,

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