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Judge a Book by It's Cover


Submitted By grabielaj1
Words 979
Pages 4
Grabiela Juarez
Mr. Draney
An expression that is widely known is not to judge a book by its cover. In relation to that, people judge and criticize the appearance and behavior of a person without knowing that person’s side of the story. Different people have been socially constructed to believe what is acceptable and what is not pertaining on how they grew up.
People are judged by what they wear, and focus on what is appealing to them as an individual, as well as society. A generalization of a person, who would be considered taboo, is all black clothing, black hair, and black lipstick. A person like this would be considered: emotional, demonic, anti-social. This is the quote on quote “judging a book by its cover”. Fact could be the person is the sweetest. What prevents us from getting to know people? Why do we often automatically go for the stereotype, instead of learning something about the people we meet?
What could be viewed in one culture as normal, could not be viewed in another the same, and could even be discriminated against. For example, other parts of the country wearing rings around their neck to elongate it, would show beauty. In the United States it would be considered taboo. There are many things society has considered taboo just for the fact that it is queer to them. The biggie socially constructionism would be religion. It affects the views of so many people. If a religious person, says they do not like tattoos, because god brought us onto this earth, without them, then why is getting your ears pierced allowed?
What prevents us from getting to know a person could be the acceptance, either the acceptance of them to us, or us to them. Not knowing how to treat a person, because they are different and unrelated to us could complicate the interaction of communicating with them.. How would you approach such person? If again, they had a tough exterior, how would you communicate with them? What would you say? Would you have to look at yourself first, and make a game plan just in case your friendly gesture back fires, offends them, or might they just not choose to let you in.
Do you judge people to as far as people u would date and would not date? People also tend to be extremely on whom they date, from what shoes they wear, teeth, physical, and personality. That is where the common match maker comes into play.
There are millions of social networks, pertain to meeting new people without having to meet face to face, and getting to know them beforehand. Such social networks have profiles of individuals that describe themselves, show attributes, hobbies, thoughts, and likes. Making themselves visual to other social networking people.
. I consider tattoos to be beautiful, an amazing way of expressing art. I have tattoos myself. I enjoy seeing them on others, especially if there is a meaning behind it. if a person has tattoos without meaning, such as our favorite individual Steve-o who has “your name” on his buttocks, I would disagree. I have seen a lot of people in business, medical, and even ward presidents, who have tattoos. some people judge other people for having tattoos and body piercings. The appearance of an individual could be good enough for them. If not, they might be trying to make a statement, but why make a statement like that when you can, do it a different way?
Another social cliché would be the groups people generally hang out in. People judge others by who their friends are, because you have voluntarily chosen them to be your friends. They do not judge you by your family members because they were involuntarily chosen for you.
People tend to judge others on their nationality, such as a normal Muslim could be viewed as a terrorist, an African American person could be viewed as being thieves, basketball players, drunks, as well as Mexicans who could also be viewed as being loud, wet backs, as in everybody thinks their illegal, when they are actually not. I do not discriminate against illegal people. They came to this country to better themselves and provide to their family and give them the life they never had.
The appearance of a person’s physical attributes could be viewed negatively; such as a bigger person. A lot of people would consider it nasty, and would be viewed as in being lazy. That all they do is eat all day, every day, like they have nothing better to do. Someone with really bad acne would be considered gross, but that does not mean they do not try to fix it, the problem might be the a facial deformity. They cannot change.
Homeless people stand on corners of street lights and ask for money. Some use that as an excuse to be lazy; others might actually be homeless and trying to better themselves in any sort of way. Also criminals, people tend to judge criminals, some may have actually been worth being penalized, others get charged without being guilty. Corrupted cops coud put a sack of cocaine on someone’s car and charge them for possession, an without being theirs to begin with.
Stereotyping and judging a person by the way they look, is something that will never stop. People have to learn to live with the judgment and criticism, at the end of the day, they know it is not true, and that is all that should matter. Although my personal opinion would be judging yourself before you judge others, you do not know their story. If we want to change some one, we first must look at ourselves as a person. We cannot change another person until, we change ourselves. We must look at our own flaws, for not everybody is perfect

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