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Juveniles of El Rio


Submitted By Guest1965
Words 1071
Pages 5
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Youth Gang Services has studied youth gang involvement and delinquency in cities and rural areas since the rapid increase after the 1980’s
Persons ages 12-24 years face the highest risk of nonfatal violent victimization of any portion of society. Arrest rates for homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault peak among adolescents and young adults.
Homicide is the second leading cause of death for all Americans ages 15-34 years.
The risk factors of young gangs and delinquency include 5 main areas Individual and Family Demographics, Personal Attributes, Peer Groups, Schools, and Community.
Individual and family demographics have shown that kids in a single parent household are at greater risk. Adolescents are at high risk for violence because of the rapid psychological and physical changes that occur during the transition to adulthood. They may detach themselves from family and decrease communication. There is no solid evidence but a theory that some children who learn English before their parents may exhibit controlling behavior.
Not surprisingly, family factors commonly found among adolescents who commit serious violent assaults include lack of parental supervision, indifference, rejection, and criminal behavior of parents themselves.
Parents of delinquents are often deficient in areas such as monitoring the child, discipline, negotiation, and modeling effective social skills.
Personal Attributes – Kids exhibiting delinquent behavior and who are involved with gangs often have low self esteem, they may be socially inept, and have negative feelings about themselves. They may identify with extreme behaviors such as macho-ism for males and extreme femininity for females and often seek risk taking behaviors.
Peer Groups - One of the strongest risk factors of delinquent behavior and gang affiliation is

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