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Käthe Kollwitz's Woman With Dead Child

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There is one thing that is certain is that conflict is the seedling of all war, but there are only two ways to deal with war, cry or scream but in art you can scream and cry and tell a story and fight against the warriors, all with a canvas, a mural, a painting, art is a necessarily to war.

For centuries, emotions have been expressed through art, the greatest masterpieces are often depicting a horror, this is certain regarding Käthe Kollwitz’s, 1903, Woman with Dead Child, a total contrast and expressive work. Neither a sentinel nor an abstract work, depicting a Weeping woman clutching her dead child as she weeps in grief, the painting refers not only to Kollwitz’s personal loss of her child in World War II, which causes her to paint the unique …show more content…
Kollowitz emphasised this etching the woman’s head away from the audience, making her a symbol for all women while also keeping the dead child’s head towards the audience, inviting them into the graphic scene, this intimate use of body language is what Kollwitz is famous for. The manipulated use of faces and expression was also also used to its advantage in Picasso’s, 1973, Guernica, where there were multiple faces of both, animal and human but all were staring towards the viewer and had two eyes, no matter where they faced, this creates a feeling that the art or what the art depicts are demanding the attention of the audience, in both of the paintings the use of sombre colours forces the viewer to analyse the pieces’ shapes and meaning without colours drawing aware from their attention. Kollowitz’s use of expressive line work, her smudged edges create a dramatic depth and defined lines combine to emphasise the woman’s grief and loss, but true to Kollowitz’s style as with all her works, this pieces has an undercurrent of strength of her characters, a consistent feature in her works that she creates by having no weak shots in her compositions, the are compact and earthbound held together solidity to represent the strength of the

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