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Karl Stroz


Submitted By bobcatsallstar19
Words 874
Pages 4
Keller graduate school of management | Project Portfolio Management | Karl Storz Corporation | | [Type the author name] | [Pick the date] |

Setting up the Project Portfolio Management system for the Karl Storz Corporation |

Industry Background 2
Company Mission and Strategy 2
Organizational Structure 3
Project Organizational Chart 4
Selection Criteria 5

Industry Background The medical device industry is filled with many companies who compete with Karl Storz. Companies such as Olympus and Stryker are their top competitors. Mainly this part of the medical device industry is geared toward surgical and diagnostics applications using flexible endoscopes. Gastroenterologists typically use flexible scope to view the GI track of a patient and determine if a surgical procedure is necessary. Storz also develops scopes for a vast number of medical disciplines such as Neuro-Endoscopy, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat), and Cardiovascular to name a few. This self-named, family owned company was established in 1945 with a vision of introducing very bright, but cold light into the body cavities the instruments, thus providing excellent visibility while at the same time allowing objective documentation by means of image transmission. Today Karl Storz is run by the late Karl Storz' daughter, Dr. Sybil Storz and her son Karl-Christian Storz from their Headquarters in Tuttligen, Germany. They have been able to expand the company's vision and footprint within human medicine, veterinary medicine and for industrial application with over 8,000 products.
Company Mission and Strategy Karl Storz, as a corporation, and its employees are conditioned to developing and manufacturing high quality, durable devices that satisfy

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