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Kia Recruitment


Submitted By ashrafasif
Words 1333
Pages 6
Case study on Kia motors

Describe how employing a large number of new workers requires strategic recruiting planning and operational efforts, and discuss what aspects might be different in smaller firms.

Kia Motors is a sister company of the Hyundai automotive group. It is known for its efficiently designed car models and their attractive appearances at affordable prices. As we know tax rates are relatively high in the United States so there arise an opportunity for Kia motors to set up a manufacturing plant in Georgia to manufacture about 300,000 vehicles annually .Kia knew it had the potential to attract customers of the US market and gain a reputation of easily affordable cars which look really beautiful to the eye .Recruiting for this mission requires huge Human resource planning and operational efforts it can be a very time consuming process and many companies fail to meet their deadline and are imposed by their investors heavy fines which deduce the profit .therefore it is very essential to have a strategy that is rock solid and firm as concrete to establish a structure of recruitment management effectively hiring the right employees for the specific job .KIA applied policies that all major companies and industrialist based organization and other companies apply It had various steps which we will discuss below these steps insured, the correct people were recruited for task related to them specifically. this is an essential strategic planning method which returns effective results and satisfies employers as long as the apply it with the professional manner and with talented staff
‘’The basic purpose of recruiting is to ensure a sufficient pool of applicants from which the most qualified individuals may be selected’’( Donald L. Caruth, Gail D. Handlogten,( Donald L. Caruth, 1997. Staffing the Contemporary Organization: A Guide to

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