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Kia Rio


Submitted By boubahry
Words 2069
Pages 9
Burger King: Promoting a Food Fight
In this presentation, we are going to discuss the promotional campaign of Burger King Cooperation created by the advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky during the years 2004-2009. Before getting into the details of this campaign, let’s take a brief look at the company’s profile.

Burger King is the world's #2 hamburger chain after Mc Donald. It opened its first restaurant in Miami 1954; ever since, the company has been continuously growing to become a symbolic American brand. The remarkable success it has gained, allowed franchise to be over 13000 outlets in more than 79 countries worldwide as of the end of the fiscal year 2013.
Burger King has of course become known for the Whopper first introduced in 1957 and which has quickly became one of the best-known burgers in the world.
Mission statement:
Their mission statement is presented on their website in these words:
“We will prepare and sell quick service food to fulfill our guest's needs more accurately, quickly, courteously, and in a cleaner environment than our competitors. We will conduct all our business affairs ethically, and with the best employees in the mid-south. We will continue to grow profitably and responsibly, and provide career advancement opportunities for every willing member of our organization”
In their mission statement, BK founders commit to offer a dining experience that stands out among competitors’ services.

Burger King’s campaign objectives were to reconnect with the super fan customer, and build its positioning in a favorable way. BK wanted its customers to know that BK is still strong, innovative, and the customer is always the focus. By re-introducing “Have It Your Way”, BK wants to communicate the idea that everything BK does is to fulfill the customer’s wants and needs.
Furthermore, BK aimed to capturing market share,

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