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Kingdom Animalia


Submitted By khyvenlan
Words 488
Pages 2
- They are multi-cellular
-they are heterotrophs
-it is divided into two: Vertebrates and Invertebrates

CHARACTERISTICS OF K.ANIMALIA 1. SESSILE- they are permanently attached at the base. 2. SYMMETRY- it may be : a. Bilateral- can be divided into two equal part b. Radial- can be divided into several equal parts c. Spherical- d. Asymmetry- if you divide it, the parts are not equal to each other 3. BODY SURFACE- dorxal (upper body) and ventral (lower body) 4. BODY CELLS- it has three layers: e. Ectoderm- outer part f. Mesoderm- middle part g. Endoderm- inner part 5. BODY ENDS- posterior (back end) and anterior (front end) 6. BUDDING- an asexual reproduction where in buds are formed. 7. AUTOTOMY- it is the self-cutting of an organism 8. REGENERATION- a kind of reproduction where in a cut part grows into new organism like the parent 9. SEGMENTATION- the body of an organism is divided into linear partition.

I. INVERTEBRATES- organism without backbone a. Phylum Porifera * the pore-bearing organism * Their bodies are perforated by many pores. * They are multicellular but have no true tissue * REPRESENTATIVE: Sponges

b. Phylum Coelenterata * Hollow-bodied organism * They are the ancient group of invertebrates with a rich fossil record * Radially symmetrical * The use their tentacles to capture food * They have two germ layers: Ectoderm, Endoderm * A good source of medicine particularly drugs that counter inflammation * REPRESENTATIVE: Hydra

c. Phylum Platyhelminthes * They are all parasitic * They have three germ layers: Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm * They have no Coelem because they are Acoelomates * They capture foods by wrapping their selves around the prey * Divided into two classes: Tapeworms and Flukes * REPRESENTATIVE: Flatworms, Malarians, Liverworm,

d. Phylum Aschelminthes * They are the “Unsegmented Roundworms” * They have a smooth outside body wall * EXAMPLE: Ascaris, Hookworm, Pinworm, Whipworm

e. Phylum Annelida * They are the “Segmented Worms” * Most of them are polychaetes (having many setae per segment) * They are hermaphrodite, meaning they possess both male and female sex cells * EXAMPLE: Earthworm, Leech

f. Phylum Mollusca * They are the soft-bodied organisms * They are good sourse of food and pearl * All mollucs have a body composed of three distinct parts: * VISCERAL MASS- contains the internal organs * FOOT- used for locomotion * MANTLE- covers the organism but does not completely enclose * They divided into three classes: * GASTROPODS- stomach-footed (snails, nudibranchs) * CEPHALOPODS- head-footed (Octopus, Nautiluses) * BIVALVES- (Scallops, Mussels) * EXAMPLES: clam, snail, oisters, mussels, tusselle, squid

g. Phylum Anthrododa * They are the “pair-legged” organism * They have well-developed nervous system * Some of them undergo in a series of change called Metamorphosis * Some are oviparous, meaning their eggs are hatched * EXAMPLE: spiders, scorpions, ticks, shrimps, lobsters, crabs

h. Phylum Echinodermata * They have spinny skin * EXAMPLE: sea lily, sea anemone, sea cucumber, sea urchins, sand dollor, brittle star, star fish

II. VERTEBRATES- organism with backbone i. Class Chondrichthyes j. Class Osteichthyes k. Class Amphibia l. Class Reptilia m. Class Aves n. Class Mammalia

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