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Kitchen Remodel


Submitted By lamar10920
Words 425
Pages 2
The Kitchen Remodel
A young newly married couple brought a home that they both shared interest in. This home was everything they have always dreamed of. It was located in the suburbs on a very quiet street on top of a hill. This home was fully loaded from the basement up to the bathroom on the third floor. The only downfall the couple found about this home that there was a large tree blocking the kitchen window. Despite the tree blocking the view, the couple was very pleased with their buy and both agreed that the time was perfect to start a family. Time has passed and the couple delivered twin boys. Things became tough and duties became overflowing. With three guys in the house the mother/wife spent most of her time in the kitchen. With no light entering in the kitchen window and it always being dark the couple came up with a plan to get the tree removed. After going over their finances they had just enough money to pay for a contractor to come and take the tree away. When the contractor arrived the first words he said was “show me the paper”. The couple assumed he was referring the jobs pay but the contractor was referring to the permit the couple forgot to obtain. When the contractor left their home he left with one less tree. The couple wasn’t so discouraged and believed it would be easy to obtain the permit. After talking to a reprehensive at their local Forestry Department for the stipulation, the couple learned the due to state laws and the age of the tree they cannot remove the tree from their property. The couples hope for getting the sun light into their kitchen was all gone. One day a friend came to visit and witnessed the darkness in the kitchen. The mother/wife explained to her friend the problem and how she and her husband could do nothing about it. After listening her friend suggested that they should look into getting a powered light illusion window.

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