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Kite Runner Betrayal Quotes

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“There is a way to be good again.” (Hosseni 192) These words hold a powerful meaning to Amir, the main character of Khaled Hosseni’s novel The Kite Runner. This quote is essential to Amir whom struggles with the guilt of the self-centered choices he makes at the beginning of the novel. Hosseni incorporates the theme of betrayal throughout the book; this is done through the occurrence of Hassan’s rape and the discovery of Baba’s second child Hassan. In the book The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseni uses foreshadowing and irony to demonstration the sin of betrayal. In the book The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseni uses foreshadowing and irony in order to effectively communicate betrayal as a means of egocentric behavior which is a sin and leads to the unraveling …show more content…
Following Amir and Hassan win the kite running contest, Hassan vows to Amir that he will find the kite and bring it home to show Baba. Amir begins to worry about Hassan because he is taking a lot longer than he expected therefor Amir sets on his way to go find Hassan. He approaches an ally way and peaks down it, finding Hassan pinned underneath Assef and his gang, once Amir understands what is going on he has a decision to make he contemplates his options for a moment,
“I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan – the way he'd stood up for me all those times in the past – and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run.
In the end, I ran.” (Hosseni 137-139)
This is the instant where Amir betrays Hassan, Amir runs away knowing very well that he should have stood up for Hassan. Amir makes the selfish choice to run away and protect himself instead of helping his best friend from one of the most damaging events that a person could endure, rape.This is only the beginning of Amir’s rough road of learning about betrayal and how to deal with it. Hosseni foreshadows Amir’s betrayal in the second chapter, when he expresses Amir’s behavior towards Hassan. When Hassan asks the simple question,
"Would I ever lie to you, Amir

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