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Submitted By ahazzri
Words 560
Pages 3
According to the questions, the issue is assume that secconz had decided not to renew the contract and prepare a report of alternatives and recommendations

We will explain this by alternatives and followed by the recommendations. Firstly is Cold Cutd LTD must reduce the price since they have lost their biggest customer plus they also have alot of competition in china we recommend that they need to cutting overhead cost in manufacturing and planning new pricing strategy. This will help to decrease their overhead cost when it comes to manufacturing is to reduce the amount of product that have in inventory. The reason is that it will lower the inventory costs it is because they will be making the product based on customer demand.

Another reason is, they have to implement some kind of manufacturing process, such as lean manufacturing. These programs are designed to reducethe amount of waste that is created when they manufacturing their products. This programs will increase their productivity and get rid the waste and the poor quality product. Which mean they will produce more quality products and they will not wasting their time or energy on production cost.

As for the second alternatives is to review standard operating procedures. It is important to re-evaluate the process from bottom to top or making new changes to labour functions. CC ltd also need to cut labour cost or change it to technology procedure which will save money on the long run. A proper adoption of technology can save their business. It is important for managers to stay aware on the latest technology product in their industry.

Third alternatives is, CC ltd can join venture with another companies the reason why is this strategy will complete each others strategy, lets say CC ltd have a few planning that another companies dont have and same goes with the new

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