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Submitted By milliedede
Words 481
Pages 2
Hello,everybody! Today I will tell you something about chinese kungfu.
Kungfu fans are all over the world.the most important reason is the films by bruce lee ,jet li and jackie marvel at the skills of them. The reason why the world's attention by the Chinese martial arts, history and its culture are also inseparable. Kung Fu is not a simple fist movement, it is the crystallization of national wisdom, but also a manifestation of traditional culture.
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In the center of the vast Chinese nation lies the Mountain of Songshan, one of the country’s holiest spots and home to the Shaolin Monastery, the birthplace of kung fu. The Buddhist monks of Shaolin were pacifists, who mastered a deadly art using kicks, weapons and well-placed punches. They were able to kill a man with the palm of a hand. These deadly skills are in line with their faith and spirituality, because Buddhists believe that, in order to follow the path of compassion, they must root out the heart of evil. In AD 527 the religious teacher, Da Mo, traveled from India to Shaolin to spread the word of Buddha. He spent nine years living alone and meditating in a cave above the Shaolin temple. To keep his muscles healthy, he developed a series of movements and breathing exercises based on the movements of animals. These were to become the basis of kung fu. When Da Mo returned to the Shaolin temple, he began to teach the monks these techniques, and his tool of meditation evolved into a tool of combat. Kung fu was born. As Shaolin’s reputation grew, more and more young novices traveled from all over China and attempted to join the order. They had their heads shaved as an external sign of inward purity, and they swore an oath of obedience to their masters. Their training was relentless. Their fists would become as hard as iron and their bodies almost impervious to pain. Training would leave its mark not just on the students but also on the temple itself, as over the centuries their pounding feet crushed the stones beneath them. Kung fu, which in Chinese means “learned skill” or “great achievement,” has now given rise to more than 1,000 styles of martial arts. The Shaolin style is still probably the most famous of all. Today, the temple welcomes millions of tourists a year and sells them a commercialized version of its history. But in the less visited temples of the Songshan hills, the original spirit of Shaolin lives on. 在广袤的中国大地的中心,有一座叫做嵩山的高山。这里是中国国家圣地之一,坐落在此的少林寺正是中国功夫的发源地。 少林佛家僧侣都是和平主义者。他们身怀绝技,可以使出踢打脚法、械斗及到位拳法等极具杀伤力的招数。他们一掌即可置人于死地。但这些致命的技能与他们的信仰和灵性保持一致,因为佛教徒相信:要将慈悲发扬光大,就必须根除恶念之心。 公元527年,佛教祖师达摩从印度来到少林弘扬佛法。他在少林寺上面的山洞里独居和冥想了九年。为了保持肌肉强健,他创出一系列以动物的动作为基础的运动和呼吸法。这些为功夫奠定了基础。 达摩回到少林寺后,他将这些技巧传授给和尚,他的冥想法逐渐演变为格斗术。功夫从此诞生。 随着少林的名声日渐壮大,越来越多新人从全国各地前来,希望加入门派。他们把头发剃光,以此作为内心纯净的外在标志,发誓服从师祖教诲。训练极其苛刻。他们的拳头练得像钢铁一样坚硬,身体几乎对痛楚毫无感觉。这些训练不仅在学生的身上留下疤痕,还给这座寺庙留下了深刻的印记——数百年来,他们重重的脚步踏碎了脚下的石头。 功夫(中文含义是“学到的技艺”或者“伟大的成就”)如今已发展出上千种武术流派。少林或许仍然是其中最有名的派系。 今天,这座寺庙每年接待上百万游客,并将其历史通过商业化的形式展现在人们面前。但是在嵩山群山里一些乏人问津的寺庙中,最初的少林精神仍然生生不息。

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