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Kurakot Ka


Submitted By ladytots
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Parmienter- Potato
In France and in French cuisine, Parmentier is code for potatoes.
Find a dish adorned with that name and it’s bound to feature potatoes as its main ingredient. Antoine Augustin Parmentier, after whom such dishes are named, is somewhat of a hero when it comes to the potato in France. He was the man who, back in the late 18th century, was chiefly responsible for popularising the consumption of potatoes in that country. These days in Paris you’ll find an avenue and a metro stop which also bear his name. What’s more, if you’re a potato head like me,

The dish can be prepared up to this point in a dvance. Melt the butter in the soup pot on the stove over medium high heat and sauté t he onion until it is soft and translucent. Add the asparagus and the stock. Reduce the he at to low and simmer until the asparagus is tender. In a food processor or blender, purée the soup until it is smooth.
Return the soup to the pot and gently reheat on the stove over low heat. Add a small amount of the hot soup to the cream so the cream won’t curdle. Slowly stir the cream into the soup. Serve hot. The soup can be made in advan ce of the dinner and gently reheated. Do not boil the soup or the cream will curdle

Lyonnaise- Onions
To lyonnaise an onion -- slice the onion to achieve long thin strips. Perfect for french onion soup, fajitas, philly cheese steaks and caramelized onions. The shape of this slice prevents the onion for breaking down while cooking.
Forestiere- Mushroom

Forestiere® Mushroom, the new mushroom is also sweeter than traditional varieties and when it is cooked its colour doesn’t run out like with other mushroom varieties. The Forestiere® mushroom was developed by Monaghan Mushrooms in conjunction with Sylvan, the world’s largest spawn manufacturer.

Florentine- Spinach

Saute mushrooms and onions in butter. Stir in garlic salt and salt. Place one package of spinach in bottom of casserole dish. Pour 1/2 of mushroom mixture over spinach, sprinkle 1/2 of cheese over top. Repeat layers one more time. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Dubarry- Cauliflower

The classical repertoire to a cauliflower soup. The soup was given an aristocratic nomenclature due to its delicacy and silken texture
Good cooks snowy head of cauliflower for the thing of beauty that it is, whatever its social origins, and the simple act of distilling that flavour into a smooth cream .

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