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La Trobe University Personal Statement Essay

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Personal Statement

Why I want to attend La Trobe University?

Academically, I have always been a very determined individual; therefore that’s why I know that a degree at La Trobe University would be the next chapter in my academic career. I very much have a rather broad interest in many subject areas, hence why I feel that a degree in Law and Commerce can further satisfy that need.

I enjoy the concepts of business, since completing my Certificate IV in Accounting, I felt very satisfied to have this accomplishment and my only ambition is to accomplish more. As an owner of a franchise, I feel immersed in the business world by constantly dealing with clients on a day-to-day basis.

As a current Law student, it has been my life-long ambition …show more content…
➢ I was one of the Organisers for a walk-a-thon event raising money for the Woman’s Breast Cancer Foundation. This project involved fund raising, preparation of foods, the walk-a-thon path, OH&S requirements and organising a team of volunteers.
Red Cross Charity Fund Raiser
Moreover, I assisted in organising a group of 30 people to raise money for the Red Cross Foundation. About 30 hours was spent organising the event with a team of colleagues. I spent 2 hours at the MCG during a Cricket Match collecting money. Furthermore, the event was a succuss, both for the Red Cross and for all of those who participated, as we all had a great time and raised money for the marginalised kids.

My Career Goals

What I hope to gain out of this degree is a career as a Taxation or Intellectual Property Lawyer. With a degree in both Commerce and Law, I cannot fathom with the potential opportunities I can gain with this degree. Moreover, what I hope to achieve can only be made possible through this program. La Trobe University with its renown reputation is the degree I need, I look forward to attending the University in

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