Free Essay

Lab 2 Zen Map


Submitted By christophersine
Words 8899
Pages 36
Starting Nmap 5.21 ( ) at 2014-02-26 15:13 Pacific Standard Time
NSE: Loaded 36 scripts for scanning.
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 15:13
Scanning 2 hosts [1 port/host]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 15:13, 0.38s elapsed (2 total hosts)
Nmap scan report for [host down] mass_dns: warning: Unable to determine any DNS servers. Reverse DNS is disabled. Try using --system-dns or specify valid servers with --dns-servers
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 15:13
Scanning [1000 ports]
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 23/tcp on
Discovered open port 111/tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 15:13, 0.36s elapsed (1000 total ports)
Initiating Service scan at 15:13
Scanning 3 services on
Completed Service scan at 15:13, 6.00s elapsed (3 services on 1 host)
Initiating RPCGrind Scan against at 15:13
Completed RPCGrind Scan against at 15:13, 0.00s elapsed (1 port)
Initiating OS detection (try #1) against
Retrying OS detection (try #2) against
Retrying OS detection (try #3) against
Retrying OS detection (try #4) against
Retrying OS detection (try #5) against
NSE: Script scanning
NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 1) scan.
Initiating NSE at 15:13
Completed NSE at 15:13, 0.09s elapsed
NSE: Script Scanning completed.
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.5p1 Debian 6 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 1024 59:1d:a5:df:cd:1f:af:5c:85:c4:93:55:de:da:4f:c3 (DSA)
|_2048 8d:be:1c:cd:be:bd:ac:14:77:0f:c1:91:f1:2f:1b:bd (RSA)
23/tcp open telnet Linux telnetd
111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (rpc #100000)
| rpcinfo:
| 100000 2 111/udp rpcbind
| 100024 1 47144/udp status
| 100000 2 111/tcp rpcbind
|_100024 1 55163/tcp status
MAC Address: C2:7F:E1:45:FC:5A (Unknown)
No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see ).
TCP/IP fingerprint:

Uptime guess: 198.839 days (since Sun Aug 11 20:06:17 2013)
Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=206 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros
Service Info: OS: Linux

1 0.00 ms

Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 15:13
Scanning 253 hosts [1 port/host]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 15:13, 2.05s elapsed (253 total hosts)
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Skipping SYN Stealth Scan against because Windows does not support scanning your own machine (localhost) this way.
Initiating Service scan at 15:13
Skipping OS Scan against because it doesn't work against your own machine (localhost)
NSE: Script scanning
NSE: Script Scanning completed.
Nmap scan report for
Host is up.
1/tcp unknown tcpmux
3/tcp unknown compressnet
4/tcp unknown unknown
6/tcp unknown unknown
7/tcp unknown echo
9/tcp unknown discard
13/tcp unknown daytime
17/tcp unknown qotd
19/tcp unknown chargen
20/tcp unknown ftp-data
21/tcp unknown ftp
22/tcp unknown ssh
23/tcp unknown telnet
24/tcp unknown priv-mail
25/tcp unknown smtp
26/tcp unknown rsftp
30/tcp unknown unknown
32/tcp unknown unknown
33/tcp unknown dsp
37/tcp unknown time
42/tcp unknown nameserver
43/tcp unknown whois
49/tcp unknown tacacs
53/tcp unknown domain
70/tcp unknown gopher
79/tcp unknown finger
80/tcp unknown http
81/tcp unknown hosts2-ns
82/tcp unknown xfer
83/tcp unknown mit-ml-dev
84/tcp unknown ctf
85/tcp unknown mit-ml-dev
88/tcp unknown kerberos-sec
89/tcp unknown su-mit-tg
90/tcp unknown dnsix
99/tcp unknown metagram
100/tcp unknown newacct
106/tcp unknown pop3pw
109/tcp unknown pop2
110/tcp unknown pop3
111/tcp unknown rpcbind
113/tcp unknown auth
119/tcp unknown nntp
125/tcp unknown locus-map
135/tcp unknown msrpc
139/tcp unknown netbios-ssn
143/tcp unknown imap
144/tcp unknown news
146/tcp unknown iso-tp0
161/tcp unknown snmp
163/tcp unknown cmip-man
179/tcp unknown bgp
199/tcp unknown smux
211/tcp unknown 914c-g
212/tcp unknown anet
222/tcp unknown rsh-spx
254/tcp unknown unknown
255/tcp unknown unknown
256/tcp unknown fw1-secureremote
259/tcp unknown esro-gen
264/tcp unknown bgmp
280/tcp unknown http-mgmt
301/tcp unknown unknown
306/tcp unknown unknown
311/tcp unknown asip-webadmin
340/tcp unknown unknown
366/tcp unknown odmr
389/tcp unknown ldap
406/tcp unknown imsp
407/tcp unknown timbuktu
416/tcp unknown silverplatter
417/tcp unknown onmux
425/tcp unknown icad-el
427/tcp unknown svrloc
443/tcp unknown https
444/tcp unknown snpp
445/tcp unknown microsoft-ds
458/tcp unknown appleqtc
464/tcp unknown kpasswd5
465/tcp unknown smtps
481/tcp unknown dvs
497/tcp unknown retrospect
500/tcp unknown isakmp
512/tcp unknown exec
513/tcp unknown login
514/tcp unknown shell
515/tcp unknown printer
524/tcp unknown ncp
541/tcp unknown uucp-rlogin
543/tcp unknown klogin
544/tcp unknown kshell
545/tcp unknown ekshell
548/tcp unknown afp
554/tcp unknown rtsp
555/tcp unknown dsf
563/tcp unknown snews
587/tcp unknown submission
593/tcp unknown http-rpc-epmap
616/tcp unknown unknown
617/tcp unknown sco-dtmgr
625/tcp unknown apple-xsrvr-admin
631/tcp unknown ipp
636/tcp unknown ldapssl
646/tcp unknown ldp
648/tcp unknown unknown
666/tcp unknown doom
667/tcp unknown unknown
668/tcp unknown unknown
683/tcp unknown corba-iiop
687/tcp unknown unknown
691/tcp unknown resvc
700/tcp unknown unknown
705/tcp unknown unknown
711/tcp unknown unknown
714/tcp unknown unknown
720/tcp unknown unknown
722/tcp unknown unknown
726/tcp unknown unknown
749/tcp unknown kerberos-adm
765/tcp unknown webster
777/tcp unknown unknown
783/tcp unknown spamassassin
787/tcp unknown qsc
800/tcp unknown mdbs_daemon
801/tcp unknown device
808/tcp unknown ccproxy-http
843/tcp unknown unknown
873/tcp unknown rsync
880/tcp unknown unknown
888/tcp unknown accessbuilder
898/tcp unknown sun-manageconsole
900/tcp unknown unknown
901/tcp unknown samba-swat
902/tcp unknown iss-realsecure
903/tcp unknown iss-console-mgr
911/tcp unknown unknown
912/tcp unknown unknown
981/tcp unknown unknown
987/tcp unknown unknown
990/tcp unknown ftps
992/tcp unknown telnets
993/tcp unknown imaps
995/tcp unknown pop3s
999/tcp unknown garcon
1000/tcp unknown cadlock
1001/tcp unknown unknown
1002/tcp unknown windows-icfw
1007/tcp unknown unknown
1009/tcp unknown unknown
1010/tcp unknown unknown
1011/tcp unknown unknown
1021/tcp unknown unknown
1022/tcp unknown unknown
1023/tcp unknown netvenuechat
1024/tcp unknown kdm
1025/tcp unknown NFS-or-IIS
1026/tcp unknown LSA-or-nterm
1027/tcp unknown IIS
1028/tcp unknown unknown
1029/tcp unknown ms-lsa
1030/tcp unknown iad1
1031/tcp unknown iad2
1032/tcp unknown iad3
1033/tcp unknown netinfo
1034/tcp unknown zincite-a
1035/tcp unknown multidropper
1036/tcp unknown unknown
1037/tcp unknown unknown
1038/tcp unknown unknown
1039/tcp unknown unknown
1040/tcp unknown netsaint
1041/tcp unknown unknown
1042/tcp unknown unknown
1043/tcp unknown boinc
1044/tcp unknown unknown
1045/tcp unknown unknown
1046/tcp unknown unknown
1047/tcp unknown unknown
1048/tcp unknown unknown
1049/tcp unknown unknown
1050/tcp unknown java-or-OTGfileshare
1051/tcp unknown optima-vnet
1052/tcp unknown ddt
1053/tcp unknown unknown
1054/tcp unknown unknown
1055/tcp unknown ansyslmd
1056/tcp unknown unknown
1057/tcp unknown unknown
1058/tcp unknown nim
1059/tcp unknown nimreg
1060/tcp unknown polestar
1061/tcp unknown unknown
1062/tcp unknown veracity
1063/tcp unknown unknown
1064/tcp unknown unknown
1065/tcp unknown unknown
1066/tcp unknown fpo-fns
1067/tcp unknown instl_boots
1068/tcp unknown instl_bootc
1069/tcp unknown cognex-insight
1070/tcp unknown unknown
1071/tcp unknown unknown
1072/tcp unknown unknown
1073/tcp unknown unknown
1074/tcp unknown unknown
1075/tcp unknown unknown
1076/tcp unknown sns_credit
1077/tcp unknown unknown
1078/tcp unknown unknown
1079/tcp unknown unknown
1080/tcp unknown socks
1081/tcp unknown unknown
1082/tcp unknown unknown
1083/tcp unknown ansoft-lm-1
1084/tcp unknown ansoft-lm-2
1085/tcp unknown unknown
1086/tcp unknown unknown
1087/tcp unknown unknown
1088/tcp unknown unknown
1089/tcp unknown unknown
1090/tcp unknown unknown
1091/tcp unknown unknown
1092/tcp unknown unknown
1093/tcp unknown unknown
1094/tcp unknown unknown
1095/tcp unknown unknown
1096/tcp unknown unknown
1097/tcp unknown unknown
1098/tcp unknown unknown
1099/tcp unknown unknown
1100/tcp unknown unknown
1102/tcp unknown unknown
1104/tcp unknown unknown
1105/tcp unknown unknown
1106/tcp unknown unknown
1107/tcp unknown unknown
1108/tcp unknown unknown
1110/tcp unknown nfsd-status
1111/tcp unknown unknown
1112/tcp unknown msql
1113/tcp unknown unknown
1114/tcp unknown unknown
1117/tcp unknown unknown
1119/tcp unknown unknown
1121/tcp unknown unknown
1122/tcp unknown unknown
1123/tcp unknown unknown
1124/tcp unknown unknown
1126/tcp unknown unknown
1130/tcp unknown unknown
1131/tcp unknown unknown
1132/tcp unknown unknown
1137/tcp unknown unknown
1138/tcp unknown unknown
1141/tcp unknown unknown
1145/tcp unknown unknown
1147/tcp unknown unknown
1148/tcp unknown unknown
1149/tcp unknown unknown
1151/tcp unknown unknown
1152/tcp unknown unknown
1154/tcp unknown unknown
1163/tcp unknown unknown
1164/tcp unknown unknown
1165/tcp unknown unknown
1166/tcp unknown unknown
1169/tcp unknown unknown
1174/tcp unknown unknown
1175/tcp unknown unknown
1183/tcp unknown unknown
1185/tcp unknown unknown
1186/tcp unknown unknown
1187/tcp unknown unknown
1192/tcp unknown unknown
1198/tcp unknown unknown
1199/tcp unknown unknown
1201/tcp unknown unknown
1213/tcp unknown unknown
1216/tcp unknown unknown
1217/tcp unknown unknown
1218/tcp unknown aeroflight-ads
1233/tcp unknown unknown
1234/tcp unknown hotline
1236/tcp unknown unknown
1244/tcp unknown unknown
1247/tcp unknown unknown
1248/tcp unknown hermes
1259/tcp unknown unknown
1271/tcp unknown unknown
1272/tcp unknown unknown
1277/tcp unknown unknown
1287/tcp unknown unknown
1296/tcp unknown unknown
1300/tcp unknown unknown
1301/tcp unknown unknown
1309/tcp unknown unknown
1310/tcp unknown unknown
1311/tcp unknown rxmon
1322/tcp unknown unknown
1328/tcp unknown unknown
1334/tcp unknown unknown
1352/tcp unknown lotusnotes
1417/tcp unknown timbuktu-srv1
1433/tcp unknown ms-sql-s
1434/tcp unknown ms-sql-m
1443/tcp unknown ies-lm
1455/tcp unknown esl-lm
1461/tcp unknown ibm_wrless_lan
1494/tcp unknown citrix-ica
1500/tcp unknown vlsi-lm
1501/tcp unknown sas-3
1503/tcp unknown imtc-mcs
1521/tcp unknown oracle
1524/tcp unknown ingreslock
1533/tcp unknown virtual-places
1556/tcp unknown unknown
1580/tcp unknown unknown
1583/tcp unknown unknown
1594/tcp unknown unknown
1600/tcp unknown issd
1641/tcp unknown unknown
1658/tcp unknown unknown
1666/tcp unknown netview-aix-6
1687/tcp unknown unknown
1688/tcp unknown unknown
1700/tcp unknown mps-raft
1717/tcp unknown fj-hdnet
1718/tcp unknown unknown
1719/tcp unknown unknown
1720/tcp unknown H.323/Q.931
1721/tcp unknown unknown
1723/tcp unknown pptp
1755/tcp unknown wms
1761/tcp unknown landesk-rc
1782/tcp unknown hp-hcip
1783/tcp unknown unknown
1801/tcp unknown unknown
1805/tcp unknown unknown
1812/tcp unknown unknown
1839/tcp unknown unknown
1840/tcp unknown unknown
1862/tcp unknown unknown
1863/tcp unknown msnp
1864/tcp unknown paradym-31
1875/tcp unknown unknown
1900/tcp unknown upnp
1914/tcp unknown unknown
1935/tcp unknown rtmp
1947/tcp unknown unknown
1971/tcp unknown unknown
1972/tcp unknown unknown
1974/tcp unknown unknown
1984/tcp unknown bigbrother
1998/tcp unknown x25-svc-port
1999/tcp unknown tcp-id-port
2000/tcp unknown cisco-sccp
2001/tcp unknown dc
2002/tcp unknown globe
2003/tcp unknown finger
2004/tcp unknown mailbox
2005/tcp unknown deslogin
2006/tcp unknown invokator
2007/tcp unknown dectalk
2008/tcp unknown conf
2009/tcp unknown news
2010/tcp unknown search
2013/tcp unknown raid-am
2020/tcp unknown xinupageserver
2021/tcp unknown servexec
2022/tcp unknown down
2030/tcp unknown device2
2033/tcp unknown glogger
2034/tcp unknown scoremgr
2035/tcp unknown imsldoc
2038/tcp unknown objectmanager
2040/tcp unknown lam
2041/tcp unknown interbase
2042/tcp unknown isis
2043/tcp unknown isis-bcast
2045/tcp unknown cdfunc
2046/tcp unknown sdfunc
2047/tcp unknown dls
2048/tcp unknown dls-monitor
2049/tcp unknown nfs
2065/tcp unknown dlsrpn
2068/tcp unknown advocentkvm
2099/tcp unknown unknown
2100/tcp unknown unknown
2103/tcp unknown zephyr-clt
2105/tcp unknown eklogin
2106/tcp unknown ekshell
2107/tcp unknown unknown
2111/tcp unknown kx
2119/tcp unknown unknown
2121/tcp unknown ccproxy-ftp
2126/tcp unknown unknown
2135/tcp unknown unknown
2144/tcp unknown unknown
2160/tcp unknown unknown
2161/tcp unknown apc-agent
2170/tcp unknown unknown
2179/tcp unknown unknown
2190/tcp unknown unknown
2191/tcp unknown unknown
2196/tcp unknown unknown
2200/tcp unknown unknown
2222/tcp unknown unknown
2251/tcp unknown unknown
2260/tcp unknown unknown
2288/tcp unknown unknown
2301/tcp unknown compaqdiag
2323/tcp unknown unknown
2366/tcp unknown unknown
2381/tcp unknown unknown
2382/tcp unknown unknown
2383/tcp unknown ms-olap4
2393/tcp unknown unknown
2394/tcp unknown unknown
2399/tcp unknown unknown
2401/tcp unknown cvspserver
2492/tcp unknown unknown
2500/tcp unknown rtsserv
2522/tcp unknown unknown
2525/tcp unknown unknown
2557/tcp unknown unknown
2601/tcp unknown zebra
2602/tcp unknown ripd
2604/tcp unknown ospfd
2605/tcp unknown bgpd
2607/tcp unknown unknown
2608/tcp unknown unknown
2638/tcp unknown sybase
2701/tcp unknown sms-rcinfo
2702/tcp unknown sms-xfer
2710/tcp unknown unknown
2717/tcp unknown unknown
2718/tcp unknown unknown
2725/tcp unknown unknown
2800/tcp unknown unknown
2809/tcp unknown corbaloc
2811/tcp unknown unknown
2869/tcp unknown unknown
2875/tcp unknown unknown
2909/tcp unknown unknown
2910/tcp unknown unknown
2920/tcp unknown unknown
2967/tcp unknown symantec-av
2968/tcp unknown unknown
2998/tcp unknown iss-realsec
3000/tcp unknown ppp
3001/tcp unknown nessus
3003/tcp unknown unknown
3005/tcp unknown deslogin
3006/tcp unknown deslogind
3007/tcp unknown unknown
3011/tcp unknown unknown
3013/tcp unknown unknown
3017/tcp unknown unknown
3030/tcp unknown unknown
3031/tcp unknown unknown
3050/tcp unknown unknown
3052/tcp unknown powerchute
3071/tcp unknown unknown
3077/tcp unknown unknown
3128/tcp unknown squid-http
3168/tcp unknown unknown
3211/tcp unknown unknown
3221/tcp unknown unknown
3260/tcp unknown iscsi
3261/tcp unknown unknown
3268/tcp unknown globalcatLDAP
3269/tcp unknown globalcatLDAPssl
3283/tcp unknown netassistant
3300/tcp unknown unknown
3301/tcp unknown unknown
3306/tcp unknown mysql
3322/tcp unknown unknown
3323/tcp unknown unknown
3324/tcp unknown unknown
3325/tcp unknown unknown
3333/tcp unknown dec-notes
3351/tcp unknown unknown
3367/tcp unknown unknown
3369/tcp unknown unknown
3370/tcp unknown unknown
3371/tcp unknown unknown
3372/tcp unknown msdtc
3389/tcp unknown ms-term-serv
3390/tcp unknown unknown
3404/tcp unknown unknown
3476/tcp unknown unknown
3493/tcp unknown unknown
3517/tcp unknown unknown
3527/tcp unknown unknown
3546/tcp unknown unknown
3551/tcp unknown unknown
3580/tcp unknown unknown
3659/tcp unknown unknown
3689/tcp unknown rendezvous
3690/tcp unknown svn
3703/tcp unknown unknown
3737/tcp unknown unknown
3766/tcp unknown unknown
3784/tcp unknown unknown
3800/tcp unknown unknown
3801/tcp unknown unknown
3809/tcp unknown unknown
3814/tcp unknown unknown
3826/tcp unknown unknown
3827/tcp unknown unknown
3828/tcp unknown unknown
3851/tcp unknown unknown
3869/tcp unknown unknown
3871/tcp unknown unknown
3878/tcp unknown unknown
3880/tcp unknown unknown
3889/tcp unknown unknown
3905/tcp unknown mupdate
3914/tcp unknown unknown
3918/tcp unknown unknown
3920/tcp unknown unknown
3945/tcp unknown unknown
3971/tcp unknown unknown
3986/tcp unknown mapper-ws_ethd
3995/tcp unknown unknown
3998/tcp unknown unknown
4000/tcp unknown remoteanything
4001/tcp unknown unknown
4002/tcp unknown mlchat-proxy
4003/tcp unknown unknown
4004/tcp unknown unknown
4005/tcp unknown unknown
4006/tcp unknown unknown
4045/tcp unknown lockd
4111/tcp unknown unknown
4125/tcp unknown rww
4126/tcp unknown unknown
4129/tcp unknown unknown
4224/tcp unknown xtell
4242/tcp unknown unknown
4279/tcp unknown unknown
4321/tcp unknown rwhois
4343/tcp unknown unicall
4443/tcp unknown pharos
4444/tcp unknown krb524
4445/tcp unknown unknown
4446/tcp unknown unknown
4449/tcp unknown unknown
4550/tcp unknown unknown
4567/tcp unknown unknown
4662/tcp unknown edonkey
4848/tcp unknown unknown
4899/tcp unknown radmin
4900/tcp unknown unknown
4998/tcp unknown maybe-veritas
5000/tcp unknown upnp
5001/tcp unknown commplex-link
5002/tcp unknown rfe
5003/tcp unknown filemaker
5004/tcp unknown unknown
5009/tcp unknown airport-admin
5030/tcp unknown unknown
5033/tcp unknown unknown
5050/tcp unknown mmcc
5051/tcp unknown ida-agent
5054/tcp unknown unknown
5060/tcp unknown sip
5061/tcp unknown sip-tls
5080/tcp unknown unknown
5087/tcp unknown unknown
5100/tcp unknown admd
5101/tcp unknown admdog
5102/tcp unknown admeng
5120/tcp unknown unknown
5190/tcp unknown aol
5200/tcp unknown unknown
5214/tcp unknown unknown
5221/tcp unknown unknown
5222/tcp unknown unknown
5225/tcp unknown unknown
5226/tcp unknown unknown
5269/tcp unknown unknown
5280/tcp unknown unknown
5298/tcp unknown unknown
5357/tcp unknown unknown
5405/tcp unknown pcduo
5414/tcp unknown unknown
5431/tcp unknown park-agent
5432/tcp unknown postgresql
5440/tcp unknown unknown
5500/tcp unknown hotline
5510/tcp unknown secureidprop
5544/tcp unknown unknown
5550/tcp unknown sdadmind
5555/tcp unknown freeciv
5560/tcp unknown isqlplus
5566/tcp unknown unknown
5631/tcp unknown pcanywheredata
5633/tcp unknown unknown
5666/tcp unknown nrpe
5678/tcp unknown unknown
5679/tcp unknown activesync
5718/tcp unknown unknown
5730/tcp unknown unknown
5800/tcp unknown vnc-http
5801/tcp unknown vnc-http-1
5802/tcp unknown vnc-http-2
5810/tcp unknown unknown
5811/tcp unknown unknown
5815/tcp unknown unknown
5822/tcp unknown unknown
5825/tcp unknown unknown
5850/tcp unknown unknown
5859/tcp unknown unknown
5862/tcp unknown unknown
5877/tcp unknown unknown
5900/tcp unknown vnc
5901/tcp unknown vnc-1
5902/tcp unknown vnc-2
5903/tcp unknown vnc-3
5904/tcp unknown unknown
5906/tcp unknown unknown
5907/tcp unknown unknown
5910/tcp unknown unknown
5911/tcp unknown unknown
5915/tcp unknown unknown
5922/tcp unknown unknown
5925/tcp unknown unknown
5950/tcp unknown unknown
5952/tcp unknown unknown
5959/tcp unknown unknown
5960/tcp unknown unknown
5961/tcp unknown unknown
5962/tcp unknown unknown
5963/tcp unknown unknown
5987/tcp unknown unknown
5988/tcp unknown unknown
5989/tcp unknown unknown
5998/tcp unknown ncd-diag
5999/tcp unknown ncd-conf
6000/tcp unknown X11
6001/tcp unknown X11:1
6002/tcp unknown X11:2
6003/tcp unknown X11:3
6004/tcp unknown X11:4
6005/tcp unknown X11:5
6006/tcp unknown X11:6
6007/tcp unknown X11:7
6009/tcp unknown X11:9
6025/tcp unknown unknown
6059/tcp unknown X11:59
6100/tcp unknown unknown
6101/tcp unknown backupexec
6106/tcp unknown isdninfo
6112/tcp unknown dtspc
6123/tcp unknown unknown
6129/tcp unknown unknown
6156/tcp unknown unknown
6346/tcp unknown gnutella
6389/tcp unknown unknown
6502/tcp unknown netop-rc
6510/tcp unknown unknown
6543/tcp unknown mythtv
6547/tcp unknown powerchuteplus
6565/tcp unknown unknown
6566/tcp unknown unknown
6567/tcp unknown unknown
6580/tcp unknown unknown
6646/tcp unknown unknown
6666/tcp unknown irc
6667/tcp unknown irc
6668/tcp unknown irc
6669/tcp unknown irc
6689/tcp unknown unknown
6692/tcp unknown unknown
6699/tcp unknown napster
6779/tcp unknown unknown
6788/tcp unknown unknown
6789/tcp unknown ibm-db2-admin
6792/tcp unknown unknown
6839/tcp unknown unknown
6881/tcp unknown bittorrent-tracker
6901/tcp unknown unknown
6969/tcp unknown acmsoda
7000/tcp unknown afs3-fileserver
7001/tcp unknown afs3-callback
7002/tcp unknown afs3-prserver
7004/tcp unknown afs3-kaserver
7007/tcp unknown afs3-bos
7019/tcp unknown unknown
7025/tcp unknown unknown
7070/tcp unknown realserver
7100/tcp unknown font-service
7103/tcp unknown unknown
7106/tcp unknown unknown
7200/tcp unknown fodms
7201/tcp unknown dlip
7402/tcp unknown unknown
7435/tcp unknown unknown
7443/tcp unknown unknown
7496/tcp unknown unknown
7512/tcp unknown unknown
7625/tcp unknown unknown
7627/tcp unknown unknown
7676/tcp unknown unknown
7741/tcp unknown unknown
7777/tcp unknown unknown
7778/tcp unknown unknown
7800/tcp unknown unknown
7911/tcp unknown unknown
7920/tcp unknown unknown
7921/tcp unknown unknown
7937/tcp unknown nsrexecd
7938/tcp unknown lgtomapper
7999/tcp unknown unknown
8000/tcp unknown http-alt
8001/tcp unknown unknown
8002/tcp unknown teradataordbms
8007/tcp unknown ajp12
8008/tcp unknown http
8009/tcp unknown ajp13
8010/tcp unknown xmpp
8011/tcp unknown unknown
8021/tcp unknown ftp-proxy
8022/tcp unknown unknown
8031/tcp unknown unknown
8042/tcp unknown unknown
8045/tcp unknown unknown
8080/tcp unknown http-proxy
8081/tcp unknown blackice-icecap
8082/tcp unknown blackice-alerts
8083/tcp unknown unknown
8084/tcp unknown unknown
8085/tcp unknown unknown
8086/tcp unknown unknown
8087/tcp unknown unknown
8088/tcp unknown unknown
8089/tcp unknown unknown
8090/tcp unknown unknown
8093/tcp unknown unknown
8099/tcp unknown unknown
8100/tcp unknown unknown
8180/tcp unknown unknown
8181/tcp unknown unknown
8192/tcp unknown sophos
8193/tcp unknown sophos
8194/tcp unknown sophos
8200/tcp unknown unknown
8222/tcp unknown unknown
8254/tcp unknown unknown
8290/tcp unknown unknown
8291/tcp unknown unknown
8292/tcp unknown unknown
8300/tcp unknown unknown
8333/tcp unknown unknown
8383/tcp unknown unknown
8400/tcp unknown unknown
8402/tcp unknown unknown
8443/tcp unknown https-alt
8500/tcp unknown unknown
8600/tcp unknown unknown
8649/tcp unknown unknown
8651/tcp unknown unknown
8652/tcp unknown unknown
8654/tcp unknown unknown
8701/tcp unknown unknown
8800/tcp unknown unknown
8873/tcp unknown unknown
8888/tcp unknown sun-answerbook
8899/tcp unknown unknown
8994/tcp unknown unknown
9000/tcp unknown cslistener
9001/tcp unknown tor-orport
9002/tcp unknown unknown
9003/tcp unknown unknown
9009/tcp unknown unknown
9010/tcp unknown unknown
9011/tcp unknown unknown
9040/tcp unknown tor-trans
9050/tcp unknown tor-socks
9071/tcp unknown unknown
9080/tcp unknown unknown
9081/tcp unknown unknown
9090/tcp unknown zeus-admin
9091/tcp unknown unknown
9099/tcp unknown unknown
9100/tcp unknown jetdirect
9101/tcp unknown jetdirect
9102/tcp unknown jetdirect
9103/tcp unknown jetdirect
9110/tcp unknown unknown
9111/tcp unknown DragonIDSConsole
9200/tcp unknown wap-wsp
9207/tcp unknown unknown
9220/tcp unknown unknown
9290/tcp unknown unknown
9415/tcp unknown unknown
9418/tcp unknown git
9485/tcp unknown unknown
9500/tcp unknown unknown
9502/tcp unknown unknown
9503/tcp unknown unknown
9535/tcp unknown man
9575/tcp unknown unknown
9593/tcp unknown unknown
9594/tcp unknown msgsys
9595/tcp unknown pds
9618/tcp unknown unknown
9666/tcp unknown unknown
9876/tcp unknown sd
9877/tcp unknown unknown
9878/tcp unknown unknown
9898/tcp unknown unknown
9900/tcp unknown iua
9917/tcp unknown unknown
9943/tcp unknown unknown
9944/tcp unknown unknown
9968/tcp unknown unknown
9998/tcp unknown unknown
9999/tcp unknown abyss
10000/tcp unknown snet-sensor-mgmt
10001/tcp unknown unknown
10002/tcp unknown unknown
10003/tcp unknown unknown
10004/tcp unknown unknown
10009/tcp unknown unknown
10010/tcp unknown unknown
10012/tcp unknown unknown
10024/tcp unknown unknown
10025/tcp unknown unknown
10082/tcp unknown amandaidx
10180/tcp unknown unknown
10215/tcp unknown unknown
10243/tcp unknown unknown
10566/tcp unknown unknown
10616/tcp unknown unknown
10617/tcp unknown unknown
10621/tcp unknown unknown
10626/tcp unknown unknown
10628/tcp unknown unknown
10629/tcp unknown unknown
10778/tcp unknown unknown
11110/tcp unknown unknown
11111/tcp unknown unknown
11967/tcp unknown unknown
12000/tcp unknown cce4x
12174/tcp unknown unknown
12265/tcp unknown unknown
12345/tcp unknown netbus
13456/tcp unknown unknown
13722/tcp unknown netbackup
13782/tcp unknown netbackup
13783/tcp unknown netbackup
14000/tcp unknown unknown
14238/tcp unknown unknown
14441/tcp unknown unknown
14442/tcp unknown unknown
15000/tcp unknown hydap
15002/tcp unknown unknown
15003/tcp unknown unknown
15004/tcp unknown unknown
15660/tcp unknown unknown
15742/tcp unknown unknown
16000/tcp unknown unknown
16001/tcp unknown unknown
16012/tcp unknown unknown
16016/tcp unknown unknown
16018/tcp unknown unknown
16080/tcp unknown osxwebadmin
16113/tcp unknown unknown
16992/tcp unknown unknown
16993/tcp unknown unknown
17877/tcp unknown unknown
17988/tcp unknown unknown
18040/tcp unknown unknown
18101/tcp unknown unknown
18988/tcp unknown unknown
19101/tcp unknown unknown
19283/tcp unknown unknown
19315/tcp unknown unknown
19350/tcp unknown unknown
19780/tcp unknown unknown
19801/tcp unknown unknown
19842/tcp unknown unknown
20000/tcp unknown unknown
20005/tcp unknown btx
20031/tcp unknown unknown
20221/tcp unknown unknown
20222/tcp unknown unknown
20828/tcp unknown unknown
21571/tcp unknown unknown
22939/tcp unknown unknown
23502/tcp unknown unknown
24444/tcp unknown unknown
24800/tcp unknown unknown
25734/tcp unknown unknown
25735/tcp unknown unknown
26214/tcp unknown unknown
27000/tcp unknown flexlm0
27352/tcp unknown unknown
27353/tcp unknown unknown
27355/tcp unknown unknown
27356/tcp unknown unknown
27715/tcp unknown unknown
28201/tcp unknown unknown
30000/tcp unknown unknown
30718/tcp unknown unknown
30951/tcp unknown unknown
31038/tcp unknown unknown
31337/tcp unknown Elite
32768/tcp unknown unknown
32769/tcp unknown unknown
32770/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc3
32771/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc5
32772/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc7
32773/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc9
32774/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc11
32775/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc13
32776/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc15
32777/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc17
32778/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc19
32779/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc21
32780/tcp unknown sometimes-rpc23
32781/tcp unknown unknown
32782/tcp unknown unknown
32783/tcp unknown unknown
32784/tcp unknown unknown
32785/tcp unknown unknown
33354/tcp unknown unknown
33899/tcp unknown unknown
34571/tcp unknown unknown
34572/tcp unknown unknown
34573/tcp unknown unknown
35500/tcp unknown unknown
38292/tcp unknown landesk-cba
40193/tcp unknown unknown
40911/tcp unknown unknown
41511/tcp unknown unknown
42510/tcp unknown unknown
44176/tcp unknown unknown
44442/tcp unknown coldfusion-auth
44443/tcp unknown coldfusion-auth
44501/tcp unknown unknown
45100/tcp unknown unknown
48080/tcp unknown unknown
49152/tcp unknown unknown
49153/tcp unknown unknown
49154/tcp unknown unknown
49155/tcp unknown unknown
49156/tcp unknown unknown
49157/tcp unknown unknown
49158/tcp unknown unknown
49159/tcp unknown unknown
49160/tcp unknown unknown
49161/tcp unknown unknown
49163/tcp unknown unknown
49165/tcp unknown unknown
49167/tcp unknown unknown
49175/tcp unknown unknown
49176/tcp unknown unknown
49400/tcp unknown compaqdiag
49999/tcp unknown unknown
50000/tcp unknown iiimsf
50001/tcp unknown unknown
50002/tcp unknown iiimsf
50003/tcp unknown unknown
50006/tcp unknown unknown
50300/tcp unknown unknown
50389/tcp unknown unknown
50500/tcp unknown unknown
50636/tcp unknown unknown
50800/tcp unknown unknown
51103/tcp unknown unknown
51493/tcp unknown unknown
52673/tcp unknown unknown
52822/tcp unknown unknown
52848/tcp unknown unknown
52869/tcp unknown unknown
54045/tcp unknown unknown
54328/tcp unknown unknown
55055/tcp unknown unknown
55056/tcp unknown unknown
55555/tcp unknown unknown
55600/tcp unknown unknown
56737/tcp unknown unknown
56738/tcp unknown unknown
57294/tcp unknown unknown
57797/tcp unknown unknown
58080/tcp unknown unknown
60020/tcp unknown unknown
60443/tcp unknown unknown
61532/tcp unknown unknown
61900/tcp unknown unknown
62078/tcp unknown iphone-sync
63331/tcp unknown unknown
64623/tcp unknown unknown
64680/tcp unknown unknown
65000/tcp unknown unknown
65129/tcp unknown unknown
65389/tcp unknown unknown

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Nmap scan report for [host down]
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 15:13
Scanning 4 hosts [1000 ports/host]
Discovered open port 445/tcp on
Discovered open port 135/tcp on
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 443/tcp on
Discovered open port 23/tcp on
Discovered open port 3306/tcp on
Discovered open port 111/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 21/tcp on
Discovered open port 21/tcp on
Discovered open port 8089/tcp on
Discovered open port 1031/tcp on
Discovered open port 8000/tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan against in 0.97s (3 hosts left)
Completed SYN Stealth Scan against in 0.97s (2 hosts left)
Completed SYN Stealth Scan against in 1.00s (1 host left)
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 15:13, 1.00s elapsed (4000 total ports)
Initiating Service scan at 15:13
Scanning 15 services on 4 hosts
Completed Service scan at 15:14, 24.64s elapsed (15 services on 4 hosts)
Initiating RPCGrind Scan against at 15:14
Completed RPCGrind Scan against at 15:14, 0.00s elapsed (1 port)
Initiating OS detection (try #1) against 4 hosts
Retrying OS detection (try #2) against 2 hosts
Retrying OS detection (try #3) against
Retrying OS detection (try #4) against
NSE: Script scanning 4 hosts.
NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 1) scan.
Initiating NSE at 15:14
Completed NSE at 15:15, 22.83s elapsed
NSE: Script Scanning completed.
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00034s latency).
Not shown: 995 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD 1.3.3d
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 1024 3a:ae:68:d5:9c:2d:85:13:e0:91:68:19:fc:1c:0b:24 (DSA)
|_2048 b7:c1:b8:89:20:ed:f5:24:4a:db:c9:c1:bb:b8:4d:f0 (RSA)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.17 ((Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/1.0.0c PHP/5.3.5 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1)
| html-title: Object not found!
|_Requested resource was
|_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 6EB4A43CB64C97F76562AF703893C8FD
443/tcp open ssl/http Apache httpd 2.2.17 ((Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/1.0.0c PHP/5.3.5 mod_apreq2-20090110/2.7.1 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1)
|_sslv2: server still supports SSLv2
| html-title: Object not found!
|_Requested resource was
|_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 6EB4A43CB64C97F76562AF703893C8FD
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL (unauthorized)
MAC Address: 3A:E9:0A:EF:60:BE (Unknown)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X
OS details: Linux 2.6.17 - 2.6.31
Uptime guess: 199.638 days (since Sun Aug 11 00:56:12 2013)
Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=197 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros
Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux

1 0.34 ms

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.38s latency).
Not shown: 994 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp FileZilla ftpd 0.9.39 beta
135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
445/tcp open microsoft-ds Microsoft Windows 2003 or 2008 microsoft-ds
1031/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
8000/tcp open http CherryPy httpd 3.1.2
| html-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html;charset=utf-8).
|_Requested resource was
8089/tcp open ssl/http Splunkd httpd
|_sslv2: server still supports SSLv2
|_html-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html; charset=utf-8).
MAC Address: DE:BE:77:06:66:BA (Unknown)
Device type: general purpose|media device|storage-misc
Running (JUST GUESSING) : Microsoft Windows 2003|2000|XP|PocketPC/CE (99%), AT&T Windows PocketPC/CE (91%), Motorola Windows PocketPC/CE (91%), Swisscom embedded (91%), T-Home embedded (91%), Microsoft embedded (90%), LaCie Windows XP (90%)
Aggressive OS guesses: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 (99%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 or SP2 (96%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 (95%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP1 (95%), Microsoft Windows 2000 or Server 2003 SP1 (94%), Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (92%), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP0 (92%), AT&T U-Verse or Motorola VIP1200-series digital set top box (Windows CE 5.0) (91%), Swisscom BlueWin TV set top box (91%), T-Home X 300T or X301T Media Receiver set top box (91%)
No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal).
Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=243 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: Incremental
Service Info: OS: Windows

Host script results:
|_smbv2-enabled: Server doesn't support SMBv2 protocol
| smb-os-discovery:
| OS: Windows Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 2 (Windows Server 2003 5.2)
|_ System time: 2014-02-26 15:14:52 UTC-8

1 383.58 ms

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00033s latency).
Not shown: 999 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 1024 3a:ae:68:d5:9c:2d:85:13:e0:91:68:19:fc:1c:0b:24 (DSA)
|_2048 b7:c1:b8:89:20:ed:f5:24:4a:db:c9:c1:bb:b8:4d:f0 (RSA)
MAC Address: 46:18:F3:0E:35:00 (Unknown)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X
OS details: Linux 2.6.17 - 2.6.31
Uptime guess: 199.638 days (since Sun Aug 11 00:56:27 2013)
Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=203 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros
Service Info: OS: Linux

1 0.33 ms

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.49s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.5p1 Debian 6 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 1024 59:1d:a5:df:cd:1f:af:5c:85:c4:93:55:de:da:4f:c3 (DSA)
|_2048 8d:be:1c:cd:be:bd:ac:14:77:0f:c1:91:f1:2f:1b:bd (RSA)
23/tcp open telnet Linux telnetd
111/tcp open rpcbind 2 (rpc #100000)
| rpcinfo:
| 100000 2 111/udp rpcbind
| 100024 1 47144/udp status
| 100000 2 111/tcp rpcbind
|_100024 1 55163/tcp status
MAC Address: C2:7F:E1:45:FC:5A (Unknown)
Device type: general purpose|webcam|WAP|media device|broadband router
Running (JUST GUESSING) : Linux 2.6.X|2.4.X (97%), AXIS Linux 2.6.X (93%), Aastra embedded (93%), Chumby embedded (93%), Gemtek embedded (93%), Siemens embedded (93%), AXIS embedded (93%)
Aggressive OS guesses: Linux 2.6.13 - 2.6.28 (97%), Linux 2.6.17 - 2.6.31 (96%), Linux 2.4.20 (Red Hat 7.2) (96%), Linux 2.6.22 - 2.6.23 (96%), Linux 2.6.9 - 2.6.24 (94%), Linux 2.6.9 - 2.6.28 (94%), AXIS 207 Network Camera (Linux 2.6.16) or 241Q Video Server (93%), Linux 2.6.19 - 2.6.31 (93%), Linux 2.6.24 - 2.6.31 (93%), Aastra RFP L32 IP DECT WAP (93%)
No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal).
Uptime guess: 198.839 days (since Sun Aug 11 20:06:18 2013)
Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=191 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros
Service Info: OS: Linux

1 487.69 ms

Read data files from: C:\Program Files\Nmap
OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (6 hosts up) scanned in 95.84 seconds Raw packets sent: 5810 (265.374KB) | Rcvd: 5274 (220.030KB)

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Universal Health Coverage

...COMMENTARY Long on Aspiration, Short on Detail Report on Universal Health Coverage Sujatha Rao The recommendations of the Planning Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Access to Universal Healthcare are significant because they make explicit the need to contextualise health within the rights. However, the problem with the report is that it does not ask why many of the same recommendations that were made by previous committees have not been implemented. The HLEG neither recognises the problems, constraints and compulsions at the national, state and district levels nor offers any solutions on how to deal with them. I The author is grateful to Sunil Nandraj for his insightful comments and suggestions which helped in writing this article. Sujatha Rao ( is a former secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. n October 2010 the Planning Com­ mission constituted the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The group in its report submitted in late 2011 made sev­ eral recommendations pertaining to human resources for health, access to drugs, social determinants of health, governance, financing, and people’s par­ ticipation. A majority of the recommen­ dations find resonance in earlier expert committee reports. The recommendations made in earlier reports include universal health cover­ age as a right of every citizen (Bhore, 1946; constantly raised by civil society); increasing public health...

Words: 4458 - Pages: 18

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...Innovation And Organization Structure 1 Report on Innovation & Organization Structure With case study on Google Inc. Ltd. Prepared By:Akash Tripathy (MS12A005) Deepti Agrawal (MS12A031) Nanda KumarA(MS12A044) Ravinder Reddy(MS12A063) Shine Nagpal (MS12A083) Sunaek Sivadas Vishesh Kumar Agarwal(MS12A103) Innovation And Organization Structure 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS       Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….3 Innovation a. What is Innovation? ……………………………………………………………..........4 b. What are the different types of innovation possible in the organization?....................5 Organization Structure a. What is Organization Structure?.................................................................................9 b. Role of Organizational structure in Innovation…………………………….….……..9 c. The nine common characteristics of innovative organization……………….….…...9 Innovation in Organization a. Examples of Organization promoting Innovation…………………………....…......10 b. Common practices found among organizations fostering innovation………………12 c. Ways to Find Innovation at an Organization………………………………….……..12 d. Processes at organization to drive Innovation ……………………………….……..13 Case study of an Organization- Google a. Organization structure of Google……………………………………………………14 b. Google’s organization chart…………………………………………………..….….19 c. Products of Google……………………………………………………………….….20 d. Advertising services of Google………………………………….…………….…….21 e. Communication and publishing tools of Google………………...

Words: 7225 - Pages: 29

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Chinese History History of China: Table of Contents q q Historical Setting The Ancient Dynasties r r r Dawn of History Zhou Period Hundred Schools of Thought q The Imperial Era r r r r r r First Imperial Period Era of Disunity Restoration of Empire Mongolian Interlude Chinese Regain Power Rise of the Manchus q Emergence Of Modern China r r r r r r Western Powers Arrive First Modern Period Opium War, 1839-42 Era of Disunity Taiping Rebellion, 1851-64 Self-Strengthening Movement Hundred Days' Reform and Aftermath Republican Revolution of 1911 q Republican China r r r Nationalism and Communism s Opposing the Warlords s Consolidation under the Guomindang s Rise of the Communists Anti-Japanese War Return to Civil War q People's Republic Of China r r Transition to Socialism, 1953-57 Great Leap Forward, 1958-60 r r r r r Readjustment and Recovery, 1961-65 Cultural Revolution Decade, 1966-76 s Militant Phase, 1966-68 s Ninth National Party Congress to the Demise of Lin Biao, 1969-71 s End of the Era of Mao Zedong, 1972-76 Post-Mao Period, 1976-78 China and the Four Modernizations, 1979-82 Reforms, 1980-88 q References for History of China [ History of China ] [ Timeline ] Historical Setting The History Of China, as documented in ancient writings, dates back some 3,300 years. Modern archaeological studies provide evidence of still more ancient origins in a culture that flourished between 2500 and 2000 B.C....

Words: 41805 - Pages: 168

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Mount Fuji

...Employers, job seekers, and puzzle lovers everywhere delight in William Poundstone's HOW WOULD YOU MOVE MOUNT FUJI? "Combines how-to with be-smart for an audience of job seekers, interviewers, Wired-style cognitive science hobbyists, and the onlooking curious. . . . How Would You Move Mount Fuji? gallops down entertaining sidepaths about the history of intelligence testing, the origins of Silicon Valley, and the brain-jockey heroics of Microsoft culture." — Michael Erard, Austin Chronicle "A charming Trojan Horse of a book While this slim book is ostensibly a guide to cracking the cult of the puzzle in Microsoft's hiring practices, Poundstone manages to sneak in a wealth of material on the crucial issue of how to hire in today's knowledge-based economy. How Would You Move Mount Fuji? delivers on the promise of revealing the tricks to Microsoft's notorious hiring challenges. But, more important, Poundstone, an accomplished science journalist, shows how puzzles can — and cannot — identify the potential stars of a competitive company.... Poundstone gives smart advice to candidates on how to 'pass' the puzzle game.... Of course, let's not forget the real fun of the book: the puzzles themselves." — Tom Ehrenfeld, Boston Globe "A dead-serious book about recruiting practices and abstract reasoning — presented as a puzzle game.... Very, very valuable to some job applicants — the concepts being more important than the answers. It would have usefulness as well to interviewers with...

Words: 78201 - Pages: 313

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Epis' Paper on Positivism

...-“Strauss versus Brains and Genes or the postmodern vengeful return of positivism.” This essay first started as an answer to what I deemed very problematic, i.e. the disputation which I found in bad faith (un-authentic to use a philosophical term or an existentialist term), of the mediatic, dashing Harvard cognitivist/linguist, Steven Pinker, in his article “Neglected novelists, embattled English professors, tenure-less historians, and other struggling denizens of the Humanities, Science is not your Enemy—a plea for an intellectual truce,” (The New Republic--August 19). Then the counter-arguments against Steven Pinker’s conception of the “human animal” developed into an essay arguing that the New Positivism, not science, or technology per say, was the enemy of humanism and its avatars as such. The point is not to become a postmodern anti-scientific Luddite. Genomics are changing the world in ways we barely imagine yet and will re-define what it means to be human (a becoming already imagined by science fiction writers, social critics and critical thinkers such as the feminist Donna Haraway with her “Cyborg”). The point is also not to turn “anti-brainiac.” Without a brain we would become vegetative, a vegetal…, i.e. a purely “natural body,” a “zombie.” If we make use of this “computer” allegory which is an analog but not a homologue, and which is used ad nauseam used by psycho-biologists, without a hard-drive there is no software. But is this a reason to say that the software...

Words: 20403 - Pages: 82

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Seven Languages in Seven Weeks

...Prepared exclusively for Montelymard What Readers Are Saying About Seven Languages in Seven Weeks Knowing multiple paradigms greatly influences our design abilities, so I’m always on the lookout for good books that’ll help me learn them. This book nicely brings prominent paradigms together. Bruce has experience learning and using multiple languages. Now you can gain from his experience through this book. I highly recommend it. Dr. Venkat Subramaniam Award-winning author and founder, Agile Developer, Inc. As a programmer, the importance of being exposed to new programming languages, paradigms, and techniques cannot be overstated. This book does a marvelous job of introducing seven important and diverse languages in a concise—but nontrivial—manner, revealing their strengths and reasons for being. This book is akin to a dim-sum buffet for any programmer who is interested in exploring new horizons or evaluating emerging languages before committing to studying one in particular. Antonio Cangiano Software engineer and technical evangelist, IBM Fasten your seat belts, because you are in for a fast-paced journey. This book is packed with programming-language-learning action. Bruce puts it all on the line, and the result is an engaging, rewarding book that passionate programmers will thoroughly enjoy. If you love learning new languages, if you want to challenge your mind, if you want to take your programming skills to the next level—this book is for you. You...

Words: 85787 - Pages: 344

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Apple Case Study

...future, but they now accounted for less than half of its total revenue. A year and a half later, in June 2008, the company posted results that ratified the success of its leap beyond the PC business: In its third quarter, Apple earned a net profit of $1.07 billion on $7.46 billion in revenue, for a 38% increase on year-ago quarterly sales. Annual results were also impressive. Sales in the 2007 fiscal year topped $24 billion, up 24% from the previous year. (See Exhibit 1a—Apple Inc.: Selected Financial Information, plus Exhibit 1b and Exhibit 1c.) Investors, meanwhile, sent Apple’s stock to new heights: Despite a sharp drop in early 2008, its share price had risen more than 15-fold since 2003 and now hovered near its all-time high. (See Exhibit 2—Apple Inc.: Daily Closing Share Price.) Non-PC product lines drove much of Apple’s financial performance. The company’s iPod line of portable music players, together with its iTunes Store, had upended the music business. With the iPhone, a multifunction handheld device released in June 2007, Apple aimed to do the same for the mobile phone market. The launch of the iPhone 3G, in July 2008, involved major changes to the offering—a revamped pricing model, a new retail channel advanced, and a platform for third-party applications, along with 3G network service—that promised to make it still more competitive. “Apple Inc.” was thriving to a degree that was seemingly far beyond the capacity of “Apple Computer.” Yet critical aspects of the...

Words: 18878 - Pages: 76

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Apple's Future

...9 -7 1 6 -4 0 1 JUNE 25, 2015 DAVID B. YOFFIE ERIC BALDWIN Apple’s Future: Apple Watch, Apple TV, and/or Apple Car? Since the release of the iPod in 2001, Apple had been probably the most successful technology company in the world. It revolutionized three businesses in the next 10 years: music, smartphones, and tablets. When Steve Jobs died in 2011, it was up to his successor, Tim Cook, to revolutionize the next set of industries. In 2015, Cook appeared to have three potential targets: watches (wearables), television, and cars. All three were bets on highly uncertain futures. Watches were off to a promising start in their first quarter of shipments, but it was far too early to declare victory. Television seemed ripe for disruption, but many firms had tried and failed to change the TV landscape. And cars, of course, represented the biggest opportunity as well as the biggest leap for Apple. Financially, Tim Cook and his team were unconstrained: Apple was the most profitable company on the planet in the fourth quarter of 2014, generating $18 billion in net income (Exhibit 1). However, Steve Jobs had famously said that Apple’s success came “from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much. We’re always thinking about new markets we could enter, but it’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”1 The big questions for Tim Cook and his team included: Were watches, TVs,...

Words: 11550 - Pages: 47

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Free Water

...GKCA Update 1st to 31st Dec Starred Articles 01 UN recognizes Palestine as a non-member observer state Dec World > Palestine The United Nations General Assembly has finally voted in favour of recognizing Palestine as a non-member observer state. Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, had earlier stated this recognition as the last resort to maintain peace and harmony with Israel. This recognition means that, Palestine can now participate in UN debates, join the affiliated bodies and have a voice in world affairs. The votes were as follows: 138 nations voted in favour of Palestine while 9 voted against the country. 41 nations chose to abstain from the voting procedure. The Palestinian reaction to the UN decision was ecstatic and celebratory parades were seen on the streets of Ramallah in Israel. However, some countries are against the decision. Israel said that this decision by the UN will put the peace process between Israel and Palestine “backwards”. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his plans to expand settlement buildings in Palestinian territory despite the UN decision. The U.S. has said that the UN bid was "unfortunate". Opponents of the bid say a Palestinian state should emerge only out of bilateral negotiations. The countries of the world reacted majorly in support of Palestine. Countries like Britain, France, Spain, Sweden and Denmark made appeals to ambassadors in Israel to ask Prime Minister Netanyahu to reconsider his plan to erect close to 3...

Words: 10111 - Pages: 41

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...trademarks of Marie Vyncke-Diamond. ISBN 13: 978-0-925480-64-4 ISBN 10: 0-925480-64-9 FIRST EDITION June 1999 Printed in the United States of America For coaching and additional support, visit our online Discussion Forum at Learning Strategies Corporation Innovating ways for you to experience your potential 2000 Plymouth Road Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA Toll-Free 1-888-800-2688 • 1-952-767-9800 Fax 1-952-475-2373 v042507 Lesson 1 (37 Mins) The Wonderful World of Words Lesson 4 (30 Mins) Learning to Learn Tracks 1-4 Introduction 5-6 First Vocabulary Lesson & Quick Quiz 7 Bennettdiction & Word Blast Lesson 2 (35 Mins) Tracks 8 9 10 11-12 13 14 15 16-17 18 English Language History and Development Word Blast Developing a Powerful Vocabulary The Distinguished...

Words: 32269 - Pages: 130

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...FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE BESTSELLING BIOGRAPHIES OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AND ALBERT EINSTEIN, THIS IS THE EXCLUSIVE BIOGRAPHY OF STEVE JOBS. Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. At a time when America is seeking ways to sustain its innovative edge, Jobs stands as the ultimate icon of inventiveness and applied imagination. He knew that the best way to create value in the twenty-first century was to connect creativity with technology. He built a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering. Although Jobs cooperated with this book, he asked for no control over what was written nor even the right to read it before it was published. He put nothing offlimits. He encouraged the people he knew to speak honestly. And Jobs speaks candidly, sometimes brutally so, about the people he worked with and competed against. His friends, foes, and colleagues provide an unvarnished view of the passions, perfectionism, obsessions, artistry, devilry, and compulsion for control that shaped his approach to business and...

Words: 233886 - Pages: 936