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Submitted By Godst63
Words 352
Pages 2
Las Vegas Police Department
Telephone Number: (702) 828-3111
Starting Salary (during the Academy): $48,505
After completion of the Academy: $50,000
Upon completion of 18 months of probation: $55,600

Leave and Holidays / Benefits:
Annual Vacation Leave:
• 1 – 14 years of service: 3 weeks per year
• 15 – 19 years of service: 4 weeks per year
• 20 + years of service: 5 weeks per year
Vacation leave may be used after 6 months of continuous service.\
• Clothing Allowance
• Education Incentive
• 5 days of bereavement leave deducted from sick leave for immediate family
• Holiday compensation for working a holiday at straight time pay or additional annual leave
• Nevada has no state income tax and employees do not pay social security taxes
• Employees will have 1.45% of their salary deducted for Medicare and this amount is matched by LVPD
• Health, vision, and dental insurance is available for employees and their dependents beginning at date of hire at competitive rates
• Police Employee Assistance Program is a counseling and referral service for employees and their families at no cost to employees

• Applicants must be at least 21 years of age by the date of the first test,
• Vision must be 20/20, or correctable to 20/20
• Applicants must be citizens of the United States by the date of the first test
• Applicants must maintain physical condition necessary to perform the essential functions of the job
• You must be a high school graduate or possess a G.E.D.

You will not be eligible for employment if you have been convicted of:
A felony crime
Two DUIs
Domestic Violence or Domestic Assault (any position which may require carrying a firearm)
All other convictions will be reviewed and may be disqualifying.
*All applicants be required to pass a pre-employment drug test
Must pass a polygraph test.
Tattoos and jewelry which would be exposed or visible while on duty are not allowed. (These markings may not be covered with a bandage or make-up.)
You may also be required to take a psychological examination.
The fitness requirements are:

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