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Late Adulthood and End of Life Paper


Submitted By tbonjr04
Words 1475
Pages 6
Late Adulthood and End of Life Paper
Yvonne Harris PSY/375
Matthew Warren
21 November 2011

Late Adulthood and End of Life Paper
As one progresses through the many stages of life and eventually die, there are easily identifiable periods of growth; yet the older one gets the more indiscernible relative changes become. This paper will discuss late adulthood and death, placing emphasis on the following: how individuals can promote health and wellness into late adulthood and mitigate the negative effects of aging, an analysis of ageism and stereotypes associated with late adulthood, an exploration of different views of death and dying at different points in human development, and an examination of the attitudes of various cultures towards death and dying.
Getting older does not have to mean that one gets sicker. Of course as we age our reflexes slow and the passage of time may appear more noticeably on one’s face. Yes we do get older, all of us; it is called senescence. Senescence is the process of aging and all humans go through it. But as previously stated one does not need to get sicker just because they get older. Some of the ways to promote wellness in an older adult include but are not limited to the following: exercise and dieting, eliminating unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and establishing healthy personal relationships.
Older adults should be proactive in the pursuit of health and wellness, according to K.S. Berger (2008) some of the health factors that accompany aging are heart disease, diabetes and dementia. All of these health factors can be anticipated and to some point, prevented. As the body ages it is more susceptible to disease and preventive measures need to be taken so that one does not exacerbate this “naturally” occurring phenomenon; an older

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