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Law Review


Submitted By nevi123
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These several decades have produced many different types of animation sorting from classical cartoons like Looney Toons all the way to modern animation. Now a day with all the technology we can enjoy animations from all over the world. FUNimation® is one of the fastest growing companies to bring us foreign animation so many people can enjoy.
According to Anime World (1997 – 2011) FUNimation® an American company was founded in 1994 in Fort Worth Texas by Gen Fukunaga. This company started with acquiring the rights with the intention of distributing one of the world’s most famous anime’s Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT in the US. These anime’s previously were canceled by different television networks before it found success in Cartoon Network. Due to its success in 2005 FUNimation® was sold to Navarre Corporation for US $100.4 million in cash and 1.8 million shares of Navarre stock. Part of this deal also included that Fukunaga would become CEO and the name would change from FUNimation Productions to FUNimation® Entertainment. By this time their translations became a lot better and even started subtitling everything. In 2007 this company moved from Richard Hills, Texas to Flower Mound by doing this move they gained double the square footage of space they used to have. On their previous building they were sharing the space with other tenants. This move allowed this company to be by itself and have more freedom to make decisions without being bugged or warned of what can and cannot be done to the building. Today FUNimation® markets, produces, and distributes anime and different entertainment properties to the United States and international markets. All this is done from their headquarters in Flower mound, Texas. FUNimation® is also the leading anime company in North America. They manage the rights for most of their brands including internet, production, home video sales, licensing, broadcasting, and distribution. FUNimation® has proven to have the formula for launching, and advancing brands. (Tenchi Muyo Wiki, 2009) FUNimation® does not release its products in non US markets for this they use a sublicensing to other companies like Revelation Films in the United Kingdom and Madman Entertainment in Australia and New Zealand. FUNimation® also launched a 24 hour cable channel exclusive for North America. Funimation channel is now available to video service providers. This was a great investment for this company.
FUNimation® has a diverse list of products for all types of audiences. On July 2008 FUNimation® launched a mobile video on demand service for AT&T and Sprint mobile phone subscribers. In 2006 they also create an official YouTube channel here all the fans can watch advertisements for their box sets and preview episodes as well as full episodes of their movies. This channel has hundreds of subscribers and each individual video has thousands of views. Also in 2008 they started showing full episodes of their series on Hulu and there are some shows on Netflix that you can watch. In their website you can start your own profile were you can manage all of your videos from sharing and creating a video playlist to organizing you favorites. Here you will find over 1200 free episodes and movies, and over 8500 for elite video subscribers. Not many corporations offer this, at least not for free. If you want to know when their programs will air all you need to do is check their schedule on the same website and it will have all the show times for their programs. They also show when each new release will come out to the public. FUNimation® can also be your one-stop-shop for all your favorite products at a regular price. You also can keep an eye out for the next big frequent sale. For all the hard core fans this website features a forum were you can go into discussion forums and meet up with other fans. This is where you can start conversations about anime world. At the shop you can buy from their large catalog starting with movies and ending with merchandise. FUNimation® also has several applications for all your needs such as mobile apps, tablet apps, roku, and coming soon for all the Xbox lovers like myself they come out with games. Besides all these wonderful things you can do on their website you can also play from a list a games.
With all of these wonderful products and merchandise FUNimation® ran into several problems like people copying their movies without rights. For this their legal department went into action by pursuing a more aggressive approach to protect their licensed products by sending “cease and desist” letters to sites offering their products without permission. Eventually most of the illegal sites brought down their products but several sites are still out there illegally. This is wrong in so many ways, but it is up to the public to help stop this problem.
As we explained a little about the company that we will be making this new product or service we will be explaining a little about the new [product r service we will be providing. This new product or service is called Otaku Vids. Otaku Vids is a forum of entertainment for any people of any age. Otaku Vids will provide the service to watch anime shows, movies, as well through DVD and Blu-ray. We will be having three packages for different options. Package one will include unlimited watch of anime shows only, Package two would include unlimited watch of anime shows and movies, while package three would include unlimited watch of anime shows and movie plus the option to rent in DVD and Blu-ray. Each package will be priced differently package one will cost $4.99, package two would be $6.99, and package three will be $9.99. The shows that we will be showing for the service are not just from funimation but from others such as bundai entertainment, Square Enix, and others. As well we will have the shows and movies in English dubbed plus sub. The shows that we will be having for our customers to see will be from a big variety. This service will also have parental control for the parents.
Now here we will be explaining the SWOTT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends). Will start with strengths some strength will be that it would be that you could watch it via internet or by DVD and Blu-ray depends on the package you pick. That’s strength you get different options and prices. Some other strength will be that it has a big variety of shows and movies for different ages such from kiddos to teenagers and young adults even some adults. It also has different genres for example action, horror, comedy, yaoi, yuri, and many more for all people everyone likes different things. Another strength that we could think of was the fact that each package has unlimited show watching. Now we will explain some weaknesses will be not everybody has a computer at home or a way to watch them. Also not everyone will be willing to take the risk of paying with credit card. This is as many weaknesses we could think of at the moment. So we will move on to opportunities some opportunities will be advertising. As well as new way to show people new culture from a different part of the world this will help people to learn more; that more people will be willing to talk about it more and not be shy about it. Threats some threats will be YouTube, anime freak, crunchyroll, and airanime. This will be some threats because they offer the anime shows and movies for free. Though that these may not be complete of the translation is wrong. As well the quality of the show image is not good. People may not be willing to pay for the service and just rather watch it like that. Some other threats will be religion. Though here is something hard to do something about it because we cannot change people. The last one will be trends some trends we can take advantage of are for instance now mostly everybody is on the phone such as IPhone, Pads, Smart phones and so on. We could create an app for these that way we can have people who are on the go often and have time they can watch them on the go. Another trend will be the ne TVs they are now have the capacity to connect to the internet this way if we get the app to be on the TV’s system people can watch it on the big screen and have family time together. Well this is what we came up with the SWOTT.
Next we will be talking about our target market including geographic, demographic, and psychographic. First will be geographic this well since it will be via internet we can make this nationwide because not only here in Texas or in just certain part of the nation or world are there anime fans. Another could be language since it would be nationwide we would be mostly do it in English dubbed and even Spanish dubbed as well for subbed. While for the climate since it is entertainment this would not affect us much for the places of rainy, hot or snowy. Second would be demographics this service would be good for all ages mostly for kids, tweens, and young adults. Gender it is for both not specifically to one. While for the amount of income we have several of prices for each. Last would be psychographic would be that our targets l are anime fans we can bring our product up by the advertising in anime conventions. This target mostly is spending its time in the computer watching anime or buying anime stuff. While the age can vary most of the time these anime lovers like to spend time watching anime, movies for their entertainment so this product will be good source of entertainment for people that love anime or want to learn about new cultures and style.

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