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Leader Savage


Submitted By divyansh
Words 340
Pages 2
My leadership experience - Divyansh Sanghi
I did my best as a leader during my Under graduation level. I was in my 3rd year and I was given the responsibility of organizing events in the technical fest of my university. A group of eight students were selected for the job, and I was given the responsibility to lead the team. While organizing the event I faced certain challenges as a leader. Firstly, we all had to contribute equally, and only certain students use to do majority of the work, and the remaining dint contribute much, also some were not confident enough to take up the tasks at hand. So lot of communication was required to motivate them and make them contribute and give their best to the job at hand. For the people who were not contributing I had to make them feel that the event was 'our' event, and we together have to make it successful. Had to inject the feeling of ownership in them, by assigning them certain tasks and making them the boss of that certain task. For people low in confidence, I use to praise them in every little thing they did, to build their confidence. Secondly, in two events the number participants turned out a lot more than our expectations, the situation seemed to be going out of control, as we dint have enough preparation to deal with double capacity of participants, we were short of time, as the event was about to begin shortly. So at that point of time, rather than panicking, and let the situation go out of control, we calmed down, thought carefully about all the possible options we had, and together we all had found the way out. From that leadership experience, I have learned two things. Firstly, that the first quality of a leader is to take the initiative. Secondly, motivate people of your team and praise them for every little target they achieve. Also, make them get the feel of ownership while working as a team. Thank you.

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