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Leadership Assessment


Submitted By dizzle27
Words 1045
Pages 5
Leadership Assessment
Professor Woodard
March 4th 2013

Eastern Builders a construction company, is a task oriented and leadership company. The chief executive officer delegates his powers to different site managers based in different parts of the world. They are given powers to implement the decisions made by the head office and tasked to achieve the target given in a certain period of time. Task-oriented leadership style is one where the team leader is well focused on the major tasks that are required to be performed to achieve a certain set production target. There are other leadership styles and all depend on the circumstances of each particular project that the company is engaged in.
Eastern Builders construction has the chief executive officer at the apex followed by close to twenty site managers on the same position. Below the site managers are the site engineers, who are assisted by site supervisors and below them are the casual laborers. The organizational culture and development was initiated by the chief executive officer at Eastern Builders Construction Company. It has promoted growth in terms of team work and employee satisfaction as members of one team. Organization of sports events and organized camp events has led to more integration and effective group work. These have spurred growth in the sector where only one objective reigned supreme, job performance only. Team work leads to better communication and creates favorable working relationships which are controlled and determined by employees’ roles and tasks. While some jobs are undertaken alone, most are performed in relationship or in combination with others. The jobs and assignments will determine who gets what role and to interact with who. These in turn lead to constant interactions creating a world of friendship and this is a powerful reward in human behavior as greater the interactions the greater the liking. Each organization has a culture which is passed from the founders, past management, current leadership, history, events and crises. This creates rite like routines, regular rituals like prayers and other collective activities usually done collectively or in groups. The culture plays a big role in creating an identity for the company and its employees. While the culture is the deeply related nature of the organization that is a result of team work, formal and informal rules, customs beliefs has a profound impact on the workers and the shared perceptions and attitudes provides a motivation that can’t be removed easily.
Being an effective communicator the chief executive officer of Eastern Builders construction communicates directly to staff members and even discusses the problems facing individual employees. This increases staff participation in company’s affairs affecting its growth and performance. The CEO leads by example, for instance in staff integrity matters, he sets the trend in professional ethics by separating personal matters and official matters. Observing punctuality at work place, and is committed to fighting graft in the organization by instituting measures to effectively control and check all transactions and cash operations. These actions from the CEO have encouraged the staff to work hard and earn their income. It has also promoted honesty and fairness in all dealings at all levels in the company. These have resulted in increased productivity per employee and added a general feeling of belonging and teamwork.
Three best practices organizational leaders use to motivate employees and discuss their potential benefits are as follows:
• Work and job motivation. These are job characteristics developed to improve staff performance and motivate employees to work harder. These are skills enhancement and job autonomy which gives some degree of freedom in job performance • Promotion and remuneration rewards. These are benefits awarded to employees to motivate them to work harder and also to encourage other employees to do the same. These styles of motivation work effectively when also there is punishment for those who are lazy and not committed to their work • Paid holidays and bonuses. Hard working staffs can be motivated by being awarded bonuses and granting them paid up holidays to their dream locations in different parts of the world or locally. These motivate other employees to work hard.
Diversity comes with its share of challenges, top among them is communication. People from different parts of the world speak different languages and therefore communication can become a nightmare. The situation can be helped by hiring an interpreter to assist them to communicate. The other difference is cultural and religious diversity. The cultures of different communities are quite diverse and difficult to understand. People have different kinds of beliefs which define their lives. These come in the form of religion, dressing, and mostly food and make it difficult to relate freely and live comfortably.
The best practice is to develop an organizational framework where different cultures can work and interact freely without any signs of biasness or discrimination. These can be done by building strong organizational structures and systems that control and promote diversity in the company. For instance, the company can develop an exchange program with employees or students on attachment programs to promote and develop diversity at the local level in the company. An effective and efficient business strategy will solve and provide all the answers to all the problems associated with diversity (Kay, 1999). Diversity also has its advantages as the employees get to know and experience different forms of cultures and beliefs and how they can live peacefully hence promoting peace in the world.

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