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Leadership Blind Spots


Submitted By Blomkalns
Words 415
Pages 2
Blind Spots -­‐ Blomkalns speaks 0900 PST
,me: Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 9:00 AM
,me: Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 10:00 AM

Hope all is well with you. I’m about DONE with winter, even more so now that I’ve made my travel plans to sunny San Diego.

I’d like to start planning our SAEM didacOc session on Leadership Blind Spots which, as you correctly pointed out, is scheduled for Thursday, May 14th at 9am. It looks like we have a 60 minute Ome slot, so realisOcally we should plan for 50 minutes of content. I was considering a slight change to our typical format this year, and wanted to get your thoughts on the outline below:


IntroducOon—AB and BC share opening remarks (10 min.)

Frame the topic and session objecOves

Discuss how blind spots develop, persist, and can serve an adapOve role for leaders

Describe common unseen weaknesses, and ways to increase self-­‐awareness


Moderated Panel Discussion (as opposed to our tabletop format) (25 min.)

AB and BC facilitate a panel discussion with 5-­‐6 disOnguished leaders

Panelists would prepare in advance to share one personal example/situaOon that exposed a blind spot and pearls they took away from the experience

Panelists would have 5-­‐6 minutes each to share their story and summarize key teaching points


Open Q&A (15 min.)

I know that one of the o]en-­‐cited strengths of these sessions has been the opportunity to speak one-­‐on-­‐one with EM leaders. At the same Ome, it seems rather haphazard how individuals end up at specific tables and my impression is that the quality of table discussions vary. Also, we’ve always struggled with bringing home the best points from each table to the whole group at the end of the session. Admi`edly, this format would be very different. It would allow, however, for more “access” to leaders, especially if we leave enough Ome for the open Q&A. Let me know how you’d like to proceed. I am happy to work on opening remarks and presentaOon, as well as any take home handouts and resources.

Given how well-­‐connected you are, I was hoping you could start recruiOng our featured panelists. Hopefully people are willing to publicly share a leadership mistake and some lessons learned. I know BZ is in, so we may only need 4-­‐5 more.

Talk soon,


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