Premium Essay

Learning, Memory and Motivation of Consumer Behaviuor


Submitted By KristinaTumaite
Words 1174
Pages 5
1) Introduction
2) Learning and Memory Theory
3) Motivation Theory
4) Conclusion
5) References

1) Introduction
The communication message we have chosen is an advert promoting a facial product known as the ‘PerfectaWash’ which dispenses the perfect amount of face wash. We have chosen this message as it utilises effective methods for consumers to not only remember the advert, but also to feel motivated to make a purchase.
2) Learning and Memory Theory
Learning’s defined as ‘a relatively permanent change in behaviour which is linked to experience’. The term “encompasses the total range of learning, from simple almost reflexive responses to the learning of abstract concepts and complex problem solving (L. Schiffman & H. Hansen, 2008. A)”. Within learning theory, there are two key approaches; behavioural learning which focuses on conditioned learning and cognitive learning which assumes a conscious process occurs through learning.
The advert begins with a woman walking up to a mirror, examining a spot on her face whilst the narrator states ‘when it comes to clear skin, the right amount of the right face wash is key’. The product is then introduced as a solution to the woman’s problem whilst the narrator explains its features to viewers and its unique selling point; it dispenses the adequate amount of face wash to cleanse, but not too much to dry out skin. This is vital to the adverts message as the behavioural theory operant conditioning ‘associates responses with their consequences’ (Coon, D & Mitterer, J, 2008). Therefore after seeing this advert, viewers will associate being uninformed about which facial wash to use, and what amount, with not having good facial hygiene. Operant conditioning suggests that ‘acts that are reinforced tend to be repeated’ (Mazur, 2006) therefore buying their product will give consumers positive results in 12 hours, which

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