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Lia Neal


Submitted By abeojoj
Words 297
Pages 2
Lia Neal is an African American competitive swimmer. She was born in Brooklyn New York, February 13, 1995. Neal, at the tender age of six began to discover her love for swimming. And since then has been densely involved in competitions.
Some of these races included the World Junior Championships in Lima, in 2011. She won gold medals in the 100m freestyle, 4x100m freestyle, 4x200m freestyle, and silvers in the 50m freestyle and 4x100m freestyle. On June 30th 2012, 17 year old Lia Neal took fourth place in 100-meter freestyle finals in Omaha, Nebraska, which earned her a spot on the 400-freestyle relay team in London. In her Olympic debut at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, she won a bronze medal in the 4x100-meter freestyle relay. She was grateful enough to just be part of the team; nonetheless her achievements during the competition were outstanding.
It made her the second African-American woman to make a U.S. Olympic swim team. Neal’s participation on the U.S. swim team was a historical one; it eased up the racial boarders that lies between African Americans and the Olympic swim team.
I chose to write on Lia Neal because she serves as a role model and inspiration not only to minorities and teenagers, but the public at large. Society would classify her as being against the odds, due to her race and being an inner city youth. Recent studies by USA Swimming estimate that up to 70% of African-American children don't know how to swim. She persevered, and achieved much more than the statistic provides. I am positive that her accomplishments have inspired several African American, young teenagers who may have assumed making the U.S. Olympic swim team would be nearly impossible.

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On the Road

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