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Liberal Studies


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Liberal Studies: Hundreds feared dead in ferry disaster off South Korea

Discuss these questions with your classmates:

Have you ever been on a cruise ship?

Would you know what to do if your yacht, sailboat or cruise ship went down?

Where is South Korea?

Have you ever been to South Korea?


Match the words from the article on the left with their synonyms on the right: Missing | Stuck | Trapped | Save | Rescue | Close | Survivors | Explanation | Leaning | Tilting | Nearby | Stayers | Account | Lost |

Match the words with the meaning: Word | Meaning | Capsize | The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another. | Distress | Cause (something) to be under water. | Tilting | (Of a boat) be overturned in the water. | Submerged | Move or cause to move into a sloping position. | Administration | A sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life. | Disaster | Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. | Impact | The management of public affairs; government. |

Choose two or three of the words from the vocabulary and make them into a sentence:

Article: Hundreds feared dead in ferry disaster off South Korea -

Hundreds feared dead in ferry disaster off South Korea

The ferry went down off the southern coast near Jindo, south of Seoul
Published: 16th April 2014
AT least four people have died and nearly 300 are missing after a ferry carrying hundreds of school children capsized off South Korea in "heavy fog".
A huge rescue mission is underway after disaster struck the vessel travelling overnight from Incheon to the island resort of Jeju.

The ferry capsized
It is still unclear what caused the ferry to capsize but one witness said there was a "loud impact and noise" before it sank.
Survivors reported being told to stay where they were via the speaker system when the ship began to sink. But those who stayed put found themselves trapped as the ferry went down.
A senior rescue team official said: "I’m afraid there’s little chance for those trapped inside still to be alive."
Almost 100 navy ships and 18 helicopters raced to the scene 12 miles off the southwest coast of South Korea and rescued around 180 people.

One passenger said he believed that many people had been trapped inside the ferry when it sank.
The ferry sent a distress call at about 9am local time (1am GST) after it began leaning to one side, according to the Ministry of Security and Public Administration.

Many of those on-board were students
The government said about 95 per cent of the ferry, whose passengers included 325 high school students on a school trip to popular tourist island Jeju, was submerged.

Hundreds of people still unaccounted for
One student, Lim Hyung-min, said he and other students jumped into the ocean wearing life jackets and then swam to a nearby rescue boat.
He added: “As the ferry was shaking and tilting, we all tripped and bumped into each other and some people were bleeding. When I jumped, the ocean was so cold. I was hurrying, thinking that I wanted to live.”


Answer the following questions:

Where did the ferry go down?

How many people have died?

How many people are missing?

95% of the passengers were _______________________________

a. Animals b. Students c. Children d. Woman

How many people have been rescued?

Almost _____________________________and 18 helicopters raced to the scene 12 miles off the southwest coast of South Korea

a. 10 navy ships b. 1 navy ships c. 100 navy ships d. 10000 navy ships

Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). If it is false please write the correct answer:

The ferry sent a distress call at about 10am local time (10am GST) after it began leaning to one side, according to the Ministry of Darkness and Public Administration.

One passenger said he believed that many people had been trapped inside the ferry when it sank.

It is still unclear what caused the ferry to capsize but one witness said there was a "loud impact and noise" before it sank.

One student, Lim Hyung-min, said he and other students jumped into the ocean wearing life jackets and then swam to a nearby rescue ship.

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