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Life of Ernest Hemmingway


Submitted By mapedersen
Words 611
Pages 3
“I Spy” by Graham Greene (1930)
Charlie Stowe is the main character of the story. He is a twelve year old boy and lives in England. He comes from a family where he does not really have a father. The father he has is unreal to him and they do not spend that much time together, they do not have a close relationship. In the beginning of the text we were told that Charlie does not love his father but when we get to the ending of the story Charlie finally realized that he loves him. But it was too late to tell him because he was taken away by the two strangers. Charlie now understands why his father had not been there for him. In a way Charlie “grows up” and learns how the world functions. However he feels the opposite for his mother. He adores and loves his mother truly, he feels a passionate love for her large boisterous presence and her loud charity filled the world for him. At the country school Charlie Stowe is bullied by his school mates because he had never tried to smoke a cigarette before. In that way they kind of pushes him to steal some cigarettes from his fathers tobacco shop because he wanted to prove himself to them and never be mocked again for not having smoked. He is encouraging himself to do it, he knows that it is a loose-loose situation, if he steals the cigarettes he will lose respect from his father and if he does not steal the cigarettes the boys at school will just continue to bully him. Even though Charlie knows it is a crime to steal he does it anyway.

Charlie’s father is like a ghost to him he is not there for him and do not care enough for him he even leaves the punishment to the mother. He is pale and thin. He owns a tobacco shop which it just underneath their house. Charlie’s father is not to be trusted and also a spy whom Charlie does not know until he figures it out while he is hiding for not getting caught in the tobacco shop for

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