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Linux 2 Final Exam Notes 1. Which runlevel is text based multi-user access?
Answer: runlevel 3 2. Which script file contains the default runlevels?
Answer: /etc/inittab 3. What are the states of SeLinux?
Answer: Enforcing, Disable, and Permissive 4. Which access list type do hosts.allow and hosts.deny belong to?
Answer: TCP Wrappers security system 5. What are the different chains in iptables?
Answer: FORWARD, INPUT, OUTPUT 6. What is a chroot jail?
Answer: The purpose of a chroot jail is to create a directory that a server thinks is the root directory, thereby blocking access by the server to all other areas of the file system. 7. Where does OpenSSH store its client list of servers that it can connect to?
Answer: ~/.ssh/known_hosts 8. If you need to give access to SSH for a specific user, what is the file and where is it located? In other words, what is the file path?
Answer: /etc/ssh/sshd_config 9. What option do you pass to the OPENSSH client to tunnel x11 Windows protocol?
Answer: -x 10. What is the file and path that contains all of the directories available by NFS?
Answer: /etc/exports 11. What command line utility would you use to change the Samba password?
Answer: smbpasswd 12. Which operating mode do you need to use and configure to have FTP run behind a Firewall? Answer: passive 13. How do you tell VSFTP to run in standalone mode? (it’s an option within the config file)
Answer: Enable the listen directive in the vfstpd configuration file. 14. What is it called when you configure a web server to act as multiple servers or pages?
Answer: Virtual Hosting 15. Which of the Apache directives is actually a container?
Answer: VirtualHost 16. You should know the basic configuration of a DHCP configuration file. Question will be which of these isn’t in config file.
Answer: The DHCP options are subnet-mask, broadcast-address, and domain-name-server 17. If you run an application in a chroot jail, what does its directory path look like afterwards?
Question: In what directory does BIND store its database files when it is running in Fedora's chroot jail?
Answer: /var/named/chroot/var/named 18. You should know the difference between DNS record types A, C name, Mx, Ptr
2 questions on test
Question: what record type maps a host name to an IP address and is used for forward lookups?
Answer: A
Question: What record type maps an alias to a host name?
Answer: CNAME 19. What is the default port for sendmail? (What port does sendmail listen on?)
Answer: 25 20. What file allows sendmail to host accounts for multiple domains?
Answer: virtusertable 21. What is an example of an MTA?
Answer: sendmail 22. What is the main config file for LDAP?
Answer: /etc/openldap/ldap.conf 23. What is the root or top level domain in the LDAP hierarchy called?
Answer: DSE 24. What is the default port for LDAP that is unencrypted? (What port does LDAP use for unencrypted traffic?)
Answer: 389 25. What is a delimiter used for in a data file?
Question: what can be best described as a divider between fields in a data file?
Answer: A Delimiter 26. In regular expressions, which character is used to define the beginning of a line?
Answer: ^ 27. You should know the difference between awk, sed, and bash. (2 questions about these)
Question: what scripting utility has the same text editing features as vi, but is used in scripts rather than interactively?
Answer: sed
Question: What scripting utility works very well with data in columns?
Answer: awk 28. How do you start a DAEMON(which utilities), specify the runlevel that a DAEMON should run as……Know how to set a link to a DAEMON
Question: What should the link to start the daemon be named?
Answer: s99analyzed
Question: Which of the following commands would stop the analyzed daemon?
Answer: service analyzed stop
Question: Which of the following commands would tell the system at which runlevels to start analyzed?
Answer: chkconfig –level 35 analyzed 29. What type of control does SELinux implement?
Answer: Mandatory access control 30. If you need to switch to runlevel 2, what command would you use to switch while the computer is running?
Answer: telinit 2 31. You should be able to read the contents of host.allow and host.deny
Question: Given the following entries, what will happen when a client at address tires to access a web site running on this server hosts.allow: https: 172.15.* vsftpd: 192.168.0.* sshd: hosts.deny httpd: 172.* vsftpd: sshd: 172.16.*
Answer: The connection will be denied. 32. What are the printing protocols supported by CUPS.
Answer: LPD/LPR, SMB, IPP 33. What are the three main ways to configure CUPS?
Answer: Command Line tools, Web Interface, Printer configuration applet 34. Why was SSH version 1 replaced?
Answer: It is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks 35. What is the file extension for Linux print drivers?
Answer: .ppd 36. You need to know the output of FSTAB command.
Question: What fstab entry would properly mount /usr from the server appserv onto the root directory?
Answer: appserv:/usr / nfs 0 0 37. What is in /etc/export config file.
Test Question: What in the file that contains a list of all directories made available on the network by NFS would make the directory /NFS available to all clients on the subnet and give them read and write access?
Answer: /NFS 38. Need to know what is not a config file for Samba. Know the config files for Samba.
Answer: The samba configuration files are smb.conf, smbpasswd, smbusers 39. What are the transfer modes for FTP? Why use ASCII and why use binary.
Question: Which transfer mode is useful when transferring text files to windows computers?
Answer: ASCII 40. Why do we use DHCP instead of just using static addresses?
41. What config files do you modify for setting up sendmail?
Answer: 42. Dovecot has two protocols that it uses. What are they?
Answer: IMAP and POP 43. Which config file tells Linux system to use specific resources for authentication and name resolution.
Answer: /etc/nsswitch.conf 44. What does a fully distinguished name look like?
Question: What script represents a fully Distinguished Name? (example)
Answer: cn=joe.ou=workers;dc=factory.dc=com 45. Test Question….What set of characters is used to define a character class in regular expressions?
Answer: [] 46. Test Question…..You need to give SSH access to Charlie, Linus, and Lucy. Wat line woul dyou put in the configuration file to make that happen?
Answer: AllowUsers Charlie Linus Lucy

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