Premium Essay

Lit (Not Mine)


Submitted By carlolozano
Words 679
Pages 3
“I will not fall for you all at once. No, I will fall for you gradually—falling for the little things. Like the way you laugh mid kiss sometimes, and look at me like you can’t believe what is happening. Or the way you reach over in your still sleep-fogged state and pull me close to you as if you cannot keep me close enough. Or simply the way you look at me when we laugh; laughing with you is my favorite. It’s like looking directly into your core and seeing how truly vulnerable you can be; laughing with me yet hoping I won’t break your heart. But what you don’t know is that I could never break your heart, because it is the most beautiful thing about you.
What I so badly wanted you to see is that I am the girl who will be there for you when you need reminding how amazing you are, because life has you convinced otherwise. The girl who will cherish any time spent with you, simply because it is a chance to be near you. I’m the girl who will make you homemade chicken noodle soup from scratch when you’re not feeling well. I’m the girl who will believe you when you say you want to “take things slow” to give us the chance at having something real. But I’m also the girl who will stand up for herself instead of being walked on.
I guess no answer is answer enough. I’m not important enough to warrant a simple, quick text saying you’re not up for hanging out? I’m not important enough to stick around and wonder where this is going, because the answer is clearly a resounding “nowhere.” It echoes off the walls built by the silence you have placed between us so many weeks ago now. I’m done waiting for a response, convincing myself that somewhere—even in the far back of your mind—is a thought of me that will ring through as if someone tapped a fingernail on a crystal glass. A clear sound to ripple to the front of your consciousness and remind you I’m standing by… but I’ll stand by no

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