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Submitted By showstoper
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Pages 4
If you can’t afford to take care of your own family then you’re doing something wrong because it’s not what are forefathers would want, As the American government, its telling the people that it’s ok to ask for free money, and it’s slowly destroying the economy.
The federal poverty depicts the amount of money a house holds gross income that a family needs for food, clothing, transportation and shelter and other necessities, In the united states this level is determined by the department of health and human services.
There is a tool that the government likes to use witch is called poverty thresholds, and these are the original versions of the federal poverty measure that they like to use. The Census Bureau updates these poverty thresholds each year. These thresholds are for the most part used for statistical guild lines.
Also in conjunction with poverty thresholds, there is a federal poverty level (FPL) and this is different from poverty threshold. This program determines if you’re eligible for potential benefits, I.E food stamps, welfare and other helpful programs.
With these laws sit in place they can help the family’s that are less fortunate than others. but is it necessary to fall on the government to make sure a family that doesn’t make that much money to feed and clothe them, I don’t think so last time I remember this is the land of opportunity and if you can’t take the heat then get out of the kitchen so to say.
I believe that these programs are for the much less fortunate not for family’s that make 30,000 dollars a years and decide to have 5 kids how is it the governments fault that you can’t afford to take care of your own family simply on the fact that you decide to have 5 kids and now we the tax payers have to pay to raise your kids. I believe in a strong back round in hard work and going out to get what you want. Do I think that the programs set in place should help a family of 4 or more no. Do I believe that it should help a mother or father that’s single and needs help yes for reason given that things do happen People change and money does come and go. One day your making really good money and the next thing you know you have lost almost everything and can’t even get a job at a simply diner. It’s sad to see this happen but like I said things do happen and with the right amount of guidance I think that the FPL can help those in much dire need.
‘’The poverty thresholds were developed in 1963 by Mollie Orshansky, an economist working for the Social Security Administration’’. (Orshancky 1970, p.235) Now her goal was not to introduce a new general measure of poverty but to measure the risk of low economic status.
With federalism implementing itself in to these laws the government (not) the state controls the majority of the funding given out.
‘’Despite the federal anti-poverty programs 14.3 percent of all Americans lived below poverty threshold in 2009: that’s up from 14.2 percent back in 2008’’( Branham, Mary 2011, p28-31. 4p.) That not a huge different but there still shows a trend that needy families are not getting any better with time. Showing that only just 1.1 percent that the increase is not monumental but at the same time we also need to take a step back and readjust are position on poverty and are threshold to be able to fight this war on poverty. The pros of having the (FPL) is to see where Americans stand as a whole and to see if the American people are in need of ether A. a change or b. help. The cons of this program set in place are that a lot of people take advantages of the funds, making it harder for family’s that really do need the help.
I know that these programs are indeed effective when not abused. But when abused we all suffer from the tax payer to the people really in need.
Constitutional framework is hard to interpret? When you know that there’s corruption with the big government. When the states are just trying to do their jobs it’s hard to say but with the FPL they are going to have the last say in funding and it’s going to be up to the states to make sure that those funds get distributed equally.


1. Orshansky, M. (1970, January 1). Social Security History. Retrieved from 2. Capitol Ideas. Branham, Mary Jan/Feb2011, Vol. 54 Issue 1, p28-31. 4p.

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