Premium Essay



Submitted By ttlphc
Words 529
Pages 3
People are living longer thanks to medical achievements, economic well-being and no more war. So would society be better if life spans were increased? It is believed that increase of human lifespan would have implications for social security benefits, medical care, housing, economy, etc. This essay will look at the pros and cons of a longer lifespan in relation to family and workplace.
First, I will write about the advantage and disadvantage of increased longevity with regard to family. On the plus side, people could have more quality time to enjoy life with loved one. Many people spend most of their lifespan working and spend less time for family. If human lifespan could be increased, people can enjoy family’s activities, such as taking care of grandchildren, doing housework. More importantly, elderly people not only share experiences and skills with young people ,but also see young generations grow up. I used to read an article about Georgia woman, Georgia woman Besse Cooper, the world’s oldest ,Cooper had four children with her husband, Luther, and now has 12 grandchildren and more than a dozen great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren (‘World’s oldest woman celebrates her sweet 116th birthday’, 2012 August). I think she has a great life. However, when many generations live together, there may be a lot of disagreements, irritating situations happen. Because young people and elderly people often have differences in thought, so it is hard for young children to follow all of things they were told. Consequently, the elderly generation will feel disappointed with their children.
Besides family, workplace would also be affected by a longer lifespan. The advantage is that the economic productivity would go up because of increase of working age population and longer remaining of skilled workers. Increased lifetime means that working life expectancy is increased

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