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Love and the Brain


Submitted By rachelstoessel
Words 1952
Pages 8

When one thinks of someone being in love, the thoughts that come to mind may be feeling as if you’re on “cloud nine” or being “head over heels” for someone. Love indeed is much more than what we see on the outside. According to Schneiderman and associates (2011), “ The ability to form enduring and meaningful relationship is a key social capacity of human beings” (p. 1314). Not only is love an impact in romantic relationships, but also in parenting and close friendships. Schneiderman and associates (2011) state, “It is thus of interest to examine changes in autonomic nervous systems reactivity during the initial stages of a romantic relationship in relation to the individual well- being and emotional distress” (p. 1314). These inquiries explore two studies conducted on how love can have a strong impact on people in romantic relationships and individuals that are single. I chose this topic because I am a psychology major and have suffered heartbreak before. I find it interesting that being in love really does affect people in many ways. I suppose this research will help people better understand the affects of love.

Article Summaries
Schneiderman, I., Zilberstein-Kra, Y., Leckman, J. F., & Feldman, R. (2011). Love alters autonomic reactivity to emotions. Emotion, 11(6), 1314-1321. doi:10.1037/a0024090 Schniderman and associates (2011) studied the autonomic reactivity by the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) with two neutral films, negative films and positive films (p. 1314). There were two groups of individuals in this study, those who were at the early stage of a romantic relationship and fitted singles that were passionately uninvolved. (Schniderman et al., 2011, p. 1315). The participants in this study were mostly college students ranging from 17-32 in age. (Schneiderman et al., 2011, p. 1315). There were 112 participants in total, 55 in a

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