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Low Context


Submitted By sjkil
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High Vs. Low Context
High Context vs. Low Context Cultures There are many distinct differences between high context and low context cultures. While many cultures are noticeably high context or low context they are not that exclusively. Many cultures have certain aspects of the other; this is also true with hearing and deaf cultures. I will explain the differences between the two then how they intertwine. A high context culture is one that contains many close connections and may be difficult to enter into or understand if you are and outsider. In a high context culture acceptable behaviors or rules are not openly laid out because they are known by all of the members. Activities usually revolve around face-to-face interactions. Most people in high context cultures have a very small, distinctive group of people that they surround themselves with. These cultures are similar to your family or a long relationship. A few cultures identified as high context cultures are the Japanese, Arabs, and French. A low context culture is one that is very open, it is very easy to enter into and all the rules and regulations are laid out for everyone to see. Many people in low context cultures have a wide network of contacts. Knowledge is very public in these cultures and relationships usually last a shorter time and are for the purpose of a task. Rules are very important in these cultures. A few cultures identified as low context cultures are Americans, Germans, and Scandinavians. When compared to deaf culture hearing culture is low context. In hearing cultures people establish short term relationships when needed to achieve something. Deaf cultures are high context and it is not uncommon for deaf communities to have a very tight bond. Most deaf communities are like a family in that they are very inclusive and it is hard for outsiders to understand what is going on and fit in. they also heavily rely on face-to-face interaction and are more likely to form long la

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