Premium Essay

M1 Religion


Submitted By aphughes
Words 1307
Pages 6
Islam and Christianity
Differences and similarities
In this work I will discuss the differences and similarities between Islam and Christianity. This work will include quotes from both religious texts
Both these religions are monotheistic, which means they believe there is only one God. Islam and Christianity are also Abrahamic religions; both religions have spiritual ties connecting them to the prophet Abraham. There are a few common roots and many common elements to Christianity, and Islam-the so-called Abrahamic religious heritage.
Belief in God
Thou shalt have no other gods before me (The Bible exodus 20.3).
Do not associate another deity with God (The Quran 17:22). Both the above quotes show that Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic religions, they believe that there is only one God. Muslims greatly stress the oneness and unity of God. The affirmation of the oneness of God by Christians is sometimes misunderstood, because Christians believe that the one God is triune (the Holy Trinity). However, this is not a denial of monotheism but an affirmation of the complexity of the Divine Being.
The two religions believe that God is the origin and source of all that exists. God cares about the entire creation and desires the well-being of all. God is just and has provided basic rules for our guidance so that we may be good and righteous, according to God's intention. God is also merciful; by means of God's grace we are given strength.

These two religions believe that human beings are the highest creatures on earth and we are the children of Abraham. God created us full of mystery, which means potential for continuous growth, both as a species and as individuals. We are capable of both good and evil and when we grow in goodness, righteousness, and love we become more like what God intended human goodness to be. When we abuse our

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