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M3 A2


Submitted By camp77
Words 969
Pages 4
Module 3 Assignment 2 One crime Mary Jones had been previously charged with is resisting arrest. In N.Y. State PEN. LAW § 205.30 resisting arrest is defined as: A person is guilty of resisting arrest when he intentionally prevents or attempts to prevent a police officer or peace officer from effecting an authorized arrest of himself or another person. Resisting arrest is a class A misdemeanor. Jones has had several run-ins with law enforcement. I believe that the society in which Mary Jones has become accustom to have had a profound effect on her behavior. Because of her drug use I believe that she steals and prostitutes herself in order to have money for the drugs she has become addicted to. The government must protect the rights of the suspect in any case. One way in which this happens is through the Fourth Amendment, which protects people from being investigated unless there is good reason for the officer to suspect they have broken the law. In the case at hand, when Officer Marconi approached the area he saw a woman matching the description given by the store manager, and carrying what appeared to be clothing. He recognized the suspect as Mary Jones, someone he had previous dealings with. Because of the past history with the suspect, Officer Marconi was aware of the potential problems that could take place so he called for backup. When he asked the suspect to stop she started running. Officer Marconi caught up with her quickly, but Jones struggled with Officer Marconi.

While being transported to the station, the suspect became very agitated and was yelling. When they arrived at the station, she tried to hurt herself by banging her head on the desk as Officer Marconi tried to interview her. Officer Marconi believed that Jones was under the influence of drugs, so he stopped interviewing her and requested emergency medical services take her

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