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Macbeth: a Human to a Killer


Submitted By 907termpaper
Words 507
Pages 3
Macbeth: Macbeth - A Human To A Killer

In Shakespeare's play Macbeth the character Macbeth proves to be somewhat

dynamic in his human representation. He starts off as being very human; he is

actually a war-hero. However the seed of change is planted right away when he

meets the witches and they tell him their prophecy of him becoming king. This

makes Macbeth ambitious, and it leads to his demise. Once he kills Duncan the

change rapidly begins to accelerate. By the end of the play, and Macbeth's

killing spree, his transformation is complete and all of his human thoughts and

feelings are gone. Macbeth changes from being a great individual to the focus of

everyone's fear and anger, because he loses his human characteristics of

conscience and remorse.

As the play starts Macbeth is very human; he has feelings and friends and

he is a war-hero. As time elapses, he begins to change into a ruthless killer,

"a tyrant". Once he meets the witches and learns he will become king he begins

to plot and think murderously. When he arrived at a plot to kill Duncan, and

told Lady Macbeth, he realized it was the only way. However, in doing this he

made a lot of people suspicious. This meant that more people would have to be

killed, and this included the king's son who was next in line for the throne. At

this point Macbeth experiences the first of a number of breakdowns, and he

begins to lose his human characteristics. Macbeth begins to fall into a

murderous rage after killing Duncan. He thought this would clear his name, but

it only made things worse. Each person he has killed results in another that

needs to be killed. With each kill Macbeth makes he loses feelings. Macbeth's

conscience is soon deteriorated to nothing, and his killings are numerous. After

killing Banquo and

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