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Mad Girl's Love Song - Sylvia Plath


Submitted By carolinefares
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Mad Girl’s Love Song

Mad Girl’s Love Song is written in 1951, by Sylvia Plath. Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist and short story writer. She was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts and she died on February 11, 1963 in London, England.
Mad Girl’s Love Song is a poem, Sylvia Plath wrote while she was a student at Smith College. The poem has a theme of suicide as an escape. There are many places where the theme of suicide appears in the poem.
The poem is about a girl who spent her whole life waiting for a man she gave herself to, against her beliefs, who was never to return. There is one phrase in the poem that which has a big importance. I think I made you up inside my head

This phrase is repeated a few times and that makes us thinks that the girl is wishing that this man is made up, and she is trying to convince herself of it. The phrase is kind of a quote which signifies that these are thoughts to her, and not out loud, which can means that she is trying to convince herself it is true.
Sylvia wished that she would overcome her depression and grow out of the despair she was living in.
I fancied you’d return the way you said, but I grow old and I forget your name
But in fact, her wishes and search for her happiness had driven her insane. She had been lost for so long that she didn't remember what it was like to truly be happy so therefore she would never be able to identify it if she were to regain control of her life.
I think I made you up inside my head Once again the line is referring to the state of insanity that Sylvia Plath had driven her into.

I should have loved a Thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again
Sylvia is making the Thunderbird to a living person, that is able to love and return to its lover, as she wished her man had done. Sylvia is also relaying the message that the bird is a better man and companion than her lover is.
There is a phrase in the poem that repeats all though the poem. I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead
You can interpret this phrase, as it is implying that Sylvia feels that she I able to control life and death. As an escape from the reality of the world she closes her eyes. Sylvia is saying that just simply closing her eyes does not last forever, because when she opens her eyes again everything is still the same.
The poems style/structure is three phrases in every verse except the last verse where there are four phrases. There are rhymes in this poem, which you can see if you look at the words at the end of each phrase. The first and third line in every verse rhymes.
The poem could have been written different and still have the same message. But I think that Sylvia had a lot of plans with this poem and that is why she has written it in this way. There are a lot of metaphors or images in the poem which are used to display the emotions. The emotions there show it is maddening to be in love.
The poem fully proofs the pain Sylvia was suffering. It speaks loudly to the unfulfilled promises that her husband made in her life and the absolute despair this made her feel.

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