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Mad Men 1


Submitted By jkaye13
Words 278
Pages 2
Mad Men Season 1 Episode 1 has many scenes, which convey different themes in the show. One scene in particular depicts non-Jewish characters, discussing Jews. The scene, which takes place between Don Draper and Roger Sterling in Draper’s office, was one that really caught my attention. I was a bit annoyed by the conversation that took place between Draper and Sterling. Clearly these men are not Jewish, yet they are carrying on about Jews like it is some bad thing to be a Jew.

“Have we ever hired any Jews?” -Sterling
“Not on my watch.”- Draper

“Sorry most of the Jewish guys work for the Jewish firms.”- Draper
“I know, … make them feel more comfortable.”- Sterling
“Want me to run down to the Deli and grab somebody?”- Draper

The pieces of dialogue above are excerpts from their conversation. When Draper says, “Not on my watch,” it is clear that he is attaching a negative connotation to being Jewish. Then, he highlights a Jewish stereotype when he asks if he should, “run down to the deli and find one.” In this time period of the late 50’s and early 60’s Jews were not well liked, especially by wealthy Christian businessmen. There is a vivid attitude that is shown towards Jews throughout the entire series of Mad Men. The fact that the men don’t even know if they have any Jews working there is insulting. Later in the episode, Sterling gets a Jew from the mailroom to sit in on the client meeting to “make them feel more comfortable.” Overall, the negative connotation that follows Jews around Mad Men, is obnoxious yet very realistic of the time period.

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