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Male vs Female Leader


Submitted By earl23
Words 648
Pages 3
“Female vs. Male Leaders” What makes a good leader? Toughness, authority, drive, and determination? A lot of people would naturally serve up these attributes as being those of a good leader. Think about from where our habits and ideas on leadership originated. Most likely in the military, perhaps from Roman times, or even further back, Greek orators, European royalty. With the exception of some Queens at the helm, for the most part leadership through the ages has been male driven, top down hierarchical and authoritarian. More advanced military systems require discipline, control and following orders without questions. In the battle of the sexes, I observed and believe that women are better leaders than men. For recent studies show that women have certain characteristics that make them better leaders--though men still hold the majority of these positions. In the world of small business, there are more men than women bosses. However, two recent studies show that women may make for better leaders. According to a survey conducted by Chris Bart, professor of strategic management at the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University, and Gregory McQueen, a McMaster graduate and senior executive associate dean at Still University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine, women actually run better performing businesses than men. Zeneger Folkman, a company that studies leadership, found that women rated higher than men on 12 out of 16 attributes tested. After analyzing 7,280 of their clients' performance evaluations, they found two traits where women outscored men significantly: taking initiative and driving results. And here are the five ways that women are more effective bosses than men: (1) Better communicators –women are better listeners than men, and this is exactly the skill that is most critical for managing employees and customers. According to Dr. Susan Sherwood,

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