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Malignant Brain Tumors

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Malignant brain tumors in detail- what is my disease?: This type of brain tumor is an extremely fast growing cancer that not only just spreads to the specific part of the brain but also can spread to the spine in any place. A malignant tumor is scaled/graded from a three to four off of a one to four grading system for cancers. The reasoning for this grading is because of how likely it is to grow back after treatment or after more than one treatment. This malignant tumor is also a secondary cancer which shows that this cancer had to have started in another part of the body to end up spreading directly to the brain. These tumors developed directly from the glial tissue which supports the nerve cell. These are known as gilomas cells. Malignant …show more content…
This tumor comes with a great challenge due to the poor outcome in despite of the radical surgery with extreme high doses of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Patients surviving time is guessed using a months time frame and after treatment survival time is measured in weeks. They are both primary tumors and secondary from systemic cancer as melanoma, breast, and lung cancer. This approach to make the process easier of patients makes use of the recombinant DNA technology to then transfer to the sensitivity gene into the malignant brain tumor. This can be done by the use of direct injection to/of the tumor with a cell line that is actively producing a retroviral vector which is carrying in a gene that is conferring drug sensitivity to the brain tumor. It is used to replace its own gene with a totally new gene. Vectors are also capable of inflecting mammalian cells and incorporate them in a new genetic material of the inflicted host. The producer cell has been genetically engineered to produce retroviral vectors. The totally new gene is put into the tumor cell and puts out a protein which is encoded by the new gene put in. The protein sensitizes the tumor cell to an antiviral drug, this drug is a complete natural substance for HS and TK. The enzymatic process induced by GCV leads to the final death of the cell. The HS and TK enzyme which is present in mammalian cells has extremely low affinity for the GCV, systemic toxicity closely to this mechanism is not observed in any type of manner. This type of vivo gene transfer has several features. First, these retroviral-vectors will integrate and express their genes in cells which are actively synthesizing the DNA. Therefore, surrounding the non-proliferating normal brain tissue should not acquire any of the HS-tk gene and will keep it remaining insensitive to the GCV. Secondly all of the transduced tumor

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