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Submitted By danielle30
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During the course of an average lifetime hundreds of decisions are made. The scope of these decisions varies. Decisions can range from how to find a job, relocating or beginning college. The process for making these life changing decisions can be as different as the type of decision needing to be made. For example the decision to attend college is usually thought of during the final years of high school. Many people however put off the decision to go to college. Often times the decision to attend college comes as a result of changes in one’s lifestyle. My journey to becoming a college student started while I was in the Army. I became the proud mother of a wonderful daughter. However my family obligations did not allow me to continue with the Army. This was due to not being able to find care for my child during any deployments I might be assigned to. I began working in the civilian field again. It became apparent that if I continued to work without a college degree I wouldn’t have the opportunities that I wanted for myself and my child. I made the decision to enter college. This decision was made out of a desire to have a better income and lifestyle. Even when I entered college the types of decisions I made continue to be a driving force in finishing my degree. Acceptance in Troy State meant that I was finally beginning my journey to achieving a degree. After attending for awhile I discovered that I would have to retake courses that I had previously completed while at CVCC. This would involve more time and money than I had anticipated so, I made my decision to transfer to University of Phoenix. Decision making can be seen as a series of steps with a logical flow. For example first you must identify and diagnose the problem. For me it was I don’t make enough money in my job without a college degree. Secondly, one should generate alternate solutions. Thirdly, evaluating the alternatives is suggested. Fourth is simply making the choice. Steps five and six are respectively implementing the decision made and finally evaluating the decision. My decision making process didn’t really include the evaluation part until I began attending Troy. I found that my choice of attending college was a correct choice. What I didn’t plan on was the fact that they wouldn’t accept credits for courses I completed while attending a community college. This later caused me to have to make a different decision about where to attend. I didn’t stray from my original decision to attend college. In learning the process of making decisions I don’t think it would have turned out differently.

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