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Marco Monologue

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...The ticket was rugged with rips on each side. It did not say what it was for, but it was very small and had a very pretty violet color on it. A slight breeze passed through the boat. The sky became dark and looked as if a gray blanket was put over the sky. The wind was warm and cozy. The clouds however were very dense with a slight nimbus cloud about 300 miles away. The red on this boat seemed to slowly fade away as the sun receded into the clouds. Both mules on each side seemed to slightly lag behind the boat. All of a sudden a crack of lightning and a boom of thunder shook the plateau about 3 miles away from the boat. The planks on the boat shook with mighty force as a strong wind past through the trees and over the boat. Marco however was on …show more content…
He tried to grab it but it was gone. It landed in a cottonwood tree to high up for anyone to reach. He looked at it like a sad kid and a lost kite. In the middle of all the disappointment it started to hail. Marco startled, went inside. Everybody was oblivious of what was going down outside. All silence broke when a bright flash came down from the heavens and struck a tall tree on the right side. The firey tree fell on the two mules and the cart that held gunpowder for the soldiers for the indian removal act which was placed just yesterday. The mules died with a loud honk and squeal.

The fire spread to the rope which cut it. The other mules slowly pulled the boat to one side before people could stop them. The boat was stuck. The storm was really blowing now. The boat was like a ant waiting to be picked up and thrown by the wind another way. The boat was filling up with water fast, seeping through cracks in the boat. The fire from the tree ignited the cart with a loud boom, parts from the cart fly in different places. One sadly impales the diver as he falls off the boat the water turns red. The storm parts into one cloud. Marco has never seen

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