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Marijuana In Jamaica

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(Jankowiak & Bradburd, 1996). On the parts of peasants, marijuana use was so central to the lifestyle that as a rite of passage, a young man would take his first inhalation of marijuana just before joining the other men in the cane fields (Lewis, 1994). Pre-sacred symbolism, then, marijuana use already had significant meaning for the Black Jamaican worker. In this way, even without Biblical justification for its use, it still serves as an observance of the past.
Shunning of the Oppressive Majority for Positive Afrocentric Identity
According to Bernard (2007), religion functions a coping, explanatory scheme for circumstances, while at the same time building cohesion. In the case of the poor Black Jamaican, the Rastafarian religion offered …show more content…
They refuse to rely on the values imposed upon them. For instance, rather than speak English traditionally, Rastafarians will often replace letters in words with “I,” in order to bring a sense of personhood and value to what they are saying (Bryan, 2004; Onuora, 2013). In this way, they are refusing to speak from a position of servitude to the White culture (Bryan, 2004; Onuora, 2013). Their deviances, therefore, take on symbolic meanings that are correlated with and justified through Biblical verse and oration. According to Lewis (1994), we can see these obvious deviances just by looking at arrest records, …show more content…
Though until very recently possession of the drug was criminalized, this has never kept Rastafarians from smoking, nor engaging in ceremony with the holy herb. Whether or not a Rastafarian individual smokes, it remains a pivotal symbol within the Rastafarian belief system. Thus, criminalization of it is just another attempt by a corrupt system to marginalize the Black man. In this way, Rastafarian behavior not only discredits the dominant system in place, but also reinforces its own marginalization by purposefully engaging in deviant acts, for which one can be legally punished. This cyclical system then fuels itself for shunning the mainstream. The Rastafarian movement clearly delineated an “us versus them” mentality (Bernard, 2007). Thus, by joining with the mainstream, one is joining in the oppression of the Black man. On the opposite end, by engaging in session, one is discrediting the hypocrisy of the Church and State, reaching spiritual enlightenment, rising above one’s circumstances, and shunning enslavement (Lewis,

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