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Marketing Communication


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1、市场沟通的主要形式:广告、公关等。本课 程从企业最重要的沟通形式——广告切入。 2、研究角度——从企业的角度,结合企业的品牌 管理和战略、主要以消费品为案例,讨论有关 基本原理 3、广告所涉及的主要领域包括:市场(重点讨 论)、传播和广告艺术 4、目前我国广告水平问题 5、参考书

1、《定位》、《营销战》 [美]艾.里斯、特 劳特著 中国财政经济出版社 2002年 2《克莱普纳广告学教程》(第17版)
[美]W.Ronald Lane等 清华大学出版社 2008年

3、《一个广告人的自白》[美]大卫-奥格威著 中国友谊出版公司 1992年 4、《怎样创作广告》 [美]汤-狄龙著 中国友谊出版公司 1991年


1. 在一定的地理范围内,当涉及某 一消费领域时,在绝大部分消费 者头脑中有几乎相同的品牌排序。 2. 在市场占有率上,第一被想到的 品牌占40%-50%,在其他名次上, 有近似成倍递减的特点。

1、首先被想到的品牌 2、其次被想到的品牌 3、第三被想到的品牌 4、第四位 5、第五位 6、第六位

40 - 50 % 20 - 25 % 10 - 12 % 5 2 1 - 6 - 3 - 2 % % %

有序市场的一个重要 特点是:一旦形成就具有 相对的稳定性。
1. 它建立了很高的进入门槛, 市场机会相对小,当市场条 件不具备的情况下,这个市 场几乎不可能再创“名牌”。 2. 这个市场很少打价格战。


• 营销应该首先面“谁”? • 消费者?竞争者?

• 进攻战略 • 防御战略 • 侧翼进攻战略 • 游击战略 胜负取决于实力

由于领导者品牌处于防御地位, 所以它可以战胜实力相当或实力 更强的品牌。

1. 在绝大部分消费者头脑 中品牌排序有很大差别。 2. 在市场占有率上,每一 个品牌差别不大。

1. 市场动荡,不断有新品牌进 入,价格战激烈。 2. 市场进入门槛相对较低,有 一定的市场机会,有可能再 创名牌。 3. 具有向有序市场转化的趋势。

成功的广告策划和市场沟通就 是要使一个无序市场成为有序市场, 并使自己成为第一品牌。



涉 及 到

广告主题的确定 广告媒体的选择 广告的艺术表现

广告对象并不简单等于企业 的目标市场
1. 2. 3. 4. 商品购买者与使用者经常是不一致的 由商业刺激所形成的购买效果 目标对象和潜在市场(整体与局部) 目标市场的变更将依赖广告

• 一个也许本来很有“前途”的商品, 可能因为广告问题,从此没有了前 途。

• 广告能为商品塑造一个概念、个性和灵 魂。 • 没有概念,只有知名度的品牌会增加市 场风险。

• 生产企业和广告公司共同努力, 才能生产出一个完整的商品。 • 广告主题的确立必须建立在对市 场认识和理解的基础上;必须建 立在市场调查和科学策划的基础 上。

• 广告是一种有投入有产出的经济 活动。而新闻对企业来说是没有 投入的,但它是一种有产出的市 场信息沟通活动。

• 搞清什么是新闻,才能充分利用这 种沟通手段。 • 利用新闻进行市场沟通应注意的问 题:
1、寻求公众关注的问题 2、真实可信 3、千万不要成为新闻焦点或新闻中心

• 使正确的东西变成容易被接受的东 西;把广告主题艺术化。

广告艺术属于实用艺术; 具有不同于纯艺术的特殊性
• • 纯艺术属于上层建筑,实用艺术是为经济基 础服务的。 纯艺术是艺术家有感而发,广告艺术必须首 先体会消费者的感觉。因此,它更类似表演 艺术或指挥艺术。

1. 广告艺术的基本特点
1) 必须站在广告对象的立场看问题 2) 在被动和短暂的时间内进行说服 3) 把抽象的变成形象的

2. 广告信息的构成

广告时间也直 接影响到一个产品 的前途!

广告主题所要解决的最重要问 题是产品的“卖点”问题。它所要 回答的核心问题是:消费者为什么 买我生产的产品,而不是其他同类 产品或替代品。

几种与市场发展不同时期相适应 的广告方法

第一阶段 商品+好话+美人=广告

1. 知名度和熟悉感 2. 认知——差异化、定位、购买理由、 价格、 3. 联想——购买理由、感受、比较和延 伸 4. 首选(首先想到) 5. 忠诚——支配(唯一可选)、放心和 满意

第二阶段 以商品特点和优点作为广 告主题的思想与方法。


• • • • • • 原料的产地。 选用了什么原料。 原材料的品质。 原料的历史与起源。 原材料有什么专利。 品质检验、筛选。

• 其它等。

• 制造方法及特点介绍。 • 使用的机器设备。 • 工人与技术人员水平。 • 制造方法的发明。使用了某种专利。 • 制造环境。 • 制造过程中的品质保证。 • 其它等

• • • • • 企业的历史。 企业规模。 企业的价值观、理念。 企业的领导人和背景等。 其它:企业的位置等。

• • • • • • • • 产品的感观效用。 各种用途和用法。 使用成绩。 用户的阶层和社会构成。 名人广告问题。 使用中的方便和乐趣。 品质保险、服务及维修。 包装方面的特点等。

• 价格低于同类产品 • 价格与市场价持平 • 价格高于同类产品

• 对商品的优点和特点进行排 队 • 确定主要主题和副主题

高档耐用 品 专用商品 日用品 礼品 食品 流行商品

1 质量 质量 用途 价格 卫生 外观

商 品特点排 序 2 3 4 外观 功能 维修条件 用途 价格 外观 口味 价格 功能 外观 用途 价格 质量 维修条件 质量 外观

5 价格 价格

• 经济发展使商品之间的差异越 来越小,个别差异已不能形成 购买的依据 • 靠商品差异已不足以相互区分

今 天
这种方法的 适用性

• 对于经济不发达、消费水平 不高的国家与地区和人群。 • 对于理性消费者。 • 生产资料和专用产品的广告, 一般仍应以商品的优点和特 点作为主题。 • 即使在发达国家,有很多商 品仍需用这种方法来确定主 题。 • 它是其他方法的基础。

当商品客观没有差异时,商 品之间就无法竞争了。这时,必 须从主观上制造和形成差异。

• 美国市场营销协会对品牌的定义:品牌是 一个名称、术语、标志、符号或设计,或 是它们的组合运用,其目的是借以辨认某 个或某群销售者的产品或服务,并使之同 竞争对手的产品和服务区别开来。 • 菲利浦·科特勒把品牌定义为:品牌是一个 名字、术语、标志、符号或图案,或者是 他们的组合,用以识别某个或某群销售者 的产品或服务。

• 品牌的首要功能是区分商品 • 只有当消费者对某一品牌产生“喜 欢”、“信任”、以及偏好时他才 可能产生购买 • 这构成了以企业形象和品牌形象作 为广告主题的基本思想。


1. 企业和品牌形象的基本特征 2. CIS理论与方法的产生与发展 3. 企业形象与企业文化问题 4. CIS 的基本内容

• 某一事物的所谓“形象”,一般是 指人们对某一事物因概念、感觉、 想法、印象,评价产生的综合结果。

• 企业形象是一种客观存在 • 人造系统应主动地树立形象

1. 形象要受人们认识程度的影响 2. 形象要受人们不同观点的影响 3. 个性与公众性的融合 4. 在一定时间、地点和条件下,形象 存在着共性


某 特 定 事 物



4、5 ……

相 互 影 响 与 融 和

综 合 印 象 和 评 价

公 众 舆 论

• 形象是人们对过去的评价 • 识别是未来的

形象的“本质”就是”深 信不疑”。 形象——作为人们主观的产物,它 产生于对形象主体的认识,又相对 独立于形象主体。 良好的开端是成功的一半

• 要树立一个“好”的形象需要很长时间 • 形象具有“脆弱性” • 形象形成的战略过程

企业形象与理想形象、实际情况 的关系示意图

自我设计的 理想形象

人们所认 识的企业 形象

企业的实 际情况

差 距 理想的形象 受广告、公关等影响 被认识的形象


企业的实际情况 时间


商品力 销售力

品牌形象是在竞争中的一种产品或服 务差异化的含义的联想的集合。 产品或服务自身的形象 产品或服务提供者的形象 使用者的形象

• 有形内容:又称为“品牌的功能性”,就是品牌产 品或服务能满足其功能性需求的能力。这是最基本 的,是生成形象的基础。人们一接触品牌,便可以 马上将其功能性特征与品牌形象有机结合起来,形 成感性的认识。 • 无形内容:主要指品牌的独特魅力,是营销赋予品 牌的,并为消费者感知,接受的个性特征。随着社 会经济的发展,商品丰富,人们生活质量提高,人 们也把要求转向商品带来的无形感受。无形内容主 要反映了人们的情感,显示了人们的身份、地位、 心理等个性化要求。

• 1. 品牌知名度 • 品牌知名度是指品牌被公众知晓的程度,是评价品牌形象 的量化指标。考察知名度可以从三个不同角度进行,即:公众 知名度、行业知名度、目标受众知名度。 所谓品牌的公众知名度,是指品牌在整个社会公众中的知 晓率。 所谓行业知名度是品牌在相关行业的知晓率或影响力。 所谓目标受众知名度是指品牌在目标顾客中的影响力。

• • •

2. 品牌美誉度 :品牌美誉度是指品牌获得公众 信任、支持和赞许的程度。对美誉度的考察也 可从公众美誉度、行业美誉度、目标受众美誉 度三个方面研究。品牌美誉度反映出品牌对社 会影响的好坏。 3. 品牌反映度 :品牌反映度指品牌引起公众感 知的反映程度。主要表现在人们对一品牌的瞬 间反映。 4. 品牌注意度 :品牌注意度指品牌引起公众注 意的能力,主要指品牌在与公众接触时的引人 注目程度。 5. 品牌认知度 :品牌认知度指品牌被公众认识、 再现的程度,某种意义上是指品牌特征,功能 等被消费者了解的程度。

6. 品牌美丽度 :品牌美丽度指品牌从视觉的心 理上对人的冲击能否给人以美的享受。 7. 品牌传播度 :品牌传播是指品牌传播的穿透 力,主要讨论品牌的传播影响。 8. 品牌忠诚度 :品牌忠诚度主要指公众对品牌 产品使用的选择程度。 9. 品牌追随度 :品牌追随度主要指品牌使用者 能否随品牌变迁而追随品牌,是比品牌忠诚度 更进一步的要求。 • 品牌形象的评判常采用市场调研的方法实现, 在实际工作中不可能九度俱全,应选择几个以 上的指标进行综合评价。

产品和服务的成功更 多是因为品牌形象的象征 意义,而不是物理特点和 功能。


理性价值:品牌相关产品或服务所 能解决的消费者最根本需求的价值; 商品的质量、性能和特点。

感性价值:消费者在消费品牌相关的 产品或服务过程所表现出来的感受; 社会的:财富、阶层、信念 文化的:价值观、个性、品位、格调、 生活方式和消费模式 个性价值:通过品牌联想,品牌给消 费者所能带来的个性表达或内心情感的外 在体现。

1、利用好广告 在产品同质化程度日益严重的今天,无 形内容的传播广告应该是最直接、最见效 的武器了。广告是建立稳定的品牌形象的 关键,每一则广告都应该被看成是对品牌 形象这种复杂现象在做贡献。

2、创新——使品牌形象永葆青春 对老品牌尤其重要。不断进行创新追求, 增强品牌形象免疫力,才能江山稳坐。 3、品牌延伸方向与品牌形象一致 4、慎选形象代言人 1)仅此一家 2)社会形象 3)要与产品有密切关联性 4)名人是绿叶,而非红花

5、谨防“后院起火” 品牌问题出现时,最大限度地减小品牌形 象的影响 1) 诚实为本。 2) 加强社区沟通。 3) 倾心公益。 4)积极与新闻媒体对话。 企业平时应积极加强与媒体的携手合作,既 可为新闻界提供信息来源,加强与媒体的 沟通,又可侧面宣传企业形象,进而巩固 品牌形象。

6、给品牌加点“文化” 商品是精神文化的载体,精神文化是品牌 形象合理生存下去的关键。 7、品牌形象与形象定位动起来 在同质化严重的今天,单一、准确、清晰 的品牌联想对消费者具有重要导向作用, 这个单一、准确、清晰的品牌联想来源于 企业所传达的简单、有利的讯息,即企业 对品牌定位所持的态度。

每一符号要素对品牌形象都有影响,经过优化组 合后形成的识别系统对整体品牌形象极其重要。

销售并非企业在市场上的终端行为,服务也不是 企业市场行为的终结者,企业的整个市场行为是 一种良性循环。

克莱斯勒:“我们要发展他们对某种汽车的品牌 忠诚,在学生具备购买汽车能力之前就加以培 养。”

CIS 的基本内容
• CIS是英语 Corporate Identity System的缩写。 其中Corporate中文的意思是企业;Identity 中文意思为“同一、认同、身份或真面 目”; System为系统。CIS的关键字是 Identity和System;我们通常直译为“识别 系统”。

MI(Mind Identity )理念识别

BI(Behavior Identity)

动态的识别:对外表现、参与、活 动。对内组织、管理、教育

VI(Visual Identity)视觉识别 静态的识别:视觉化的传达形式。项目最多, 层次最广、效果直接


• 理念识别雷同化、抽象化、 口号化和形式化 • 企业文化与企业理念

CIS 的操作思路
• 关于视觉识别先行的问题 • 理念问题从企业战略开始做起的思想 • CIS不能完全替代企业形象和品牌形象, 形象问题还是企业“内功”问题。




Audio Identity

1、音乐 主题音乐、广告识别音乐及扩展 2、语言语调 企业或品牌名称构成的广告语



1、视觉感觉(VI) 2、其他(听觉、味觉、嗅觉等)

1、宣传行为 2、产品行为 3、服务行为 4、价格行为 5、渠道行为 6、销售行为


Sensation Identity

1、社会公益活动 2、与顾客互动活动中的印象 3、超感识别


以前方法的局限性 从思维方式上看:以前 的方法主要特征是“从里 往外”的思维模式。 现代营销要求“从外往 里”的思维模式。

• 品牌定位是指:每一个品牌都要在消费 者的头脑、心理或心目中确定一个位置。 我们也把它叫做心理定位。 • 市场定位是基础,但却是虚拟的。心理 定位是要使它成为现实。 • 营销的前线就是消费者的头脑。营销就 是要把一个品牌植入消费者的头脑。

• 艾·里斯(Al Rise)和 杰克·特劳特(Jack Trout)的品牌定位理论 (参见文献《广告攻心 战》1972年、《定位》 2002年、《营销战》 2002年) • 定位理论是探讨如何使 一个品牌成为领导者品 牌。

• 人们只看他们所期望看到的事 物。 即:知觉对感觉的影响 • 为了不被复杂生活所压倒,人 们一般对事物都在头脑中排出 一个顺序

• 品牌延长可能是个陷 阱 • 一味追求质量可能是 个陷阱 • 高科技可能导致找不 到市场位置 • 企业与品牌名称非常 重要

• 市场分析是关键(从市场的 有序性人手) • 市场细分是基础 • 首先创造市场概念是前提

• 广告费用必须一次投足 • 用多种广告表现,重复一个成功的概念

• 面对竞争对手确定战略 • 从战略的角度去策划广告 主题 • 形象是基础 • 进攻战略 • 防御战略 • 侧翼战略 • 游击战略

• 针对进入有序市场 • 以商品的优点和特点 作为广告和市场沟通 的主题

• 主要针对中小企业 • 关键是取得局部优势, 以品牌定位作为主题

1. 媒体的无限增加与人们接受能力的 有限形成的矛盾。 2. 广告程序的变化。 3. 企业科学管理对广告的要求。


1. 广告应能立刻引起注意。 2. 能引导人的视线去注意广 告的主要部分。 3. 广告的主要部分必须容易 被记忆。 4. 广告能引起预期的联想和 感觉。

思 考 题

• 试对自己所在企业的品

1、品牌和商品的基本情况。 包括名称、生产厂家、 投放市场时间及其他情 牌和商品;或选择一个 况 自己比较熟悉的商品进 2、广告主题 行广告主题和表现策划。 3、对主题的论证(结合营 销战略) 4、对广告表现的基本要求 和设想

祝各位事业成功! 谢 谢!

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Marketing Communication

...The Target Audience Profile Segment based on demographics have Gender, Age, Educational Level, Occupation and Income. Regarding the Gender, tissue is belonging to a daily necessity, everyone can purchase once they have needs. Either males or females will use and without distinction. Regarding the Age, the target audiences of Tempo Kids are the children who are in kindergarten and primary school. Parents who age between 20-40 are also their main target group as they are the final decision maker. Regarding the Educational Level, the parents are at least secondary school or above. As higher education will relatively have higher acceptance. Regarding the Occupation, the segments are some office lady, housewife and teacher. They will utilize the product to train up their children in order to care about their hygiene. Regarding the Income, as this product is not premium but necessity, therefore the market prices are maintained in the lower level. The income level of the family is around $16000 or above should be affordable. Regarding the psychographics factor, someone who love home and family will be interested in a this product, as they always find the way to make children achieve better educate. (2) Advertising Appeals This advertisement has use the emotional appeals to express the center meaning. The slogan of the tempo kids is “Children, can be more independent”. Most of the parents have the same worry about how to develop children’s self-conscious...

Words: 690 - Pages: 3

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Marketing Communication

...MA Marketing Communications Module 4MMC7A7 Managing Marketing Communication Kliatchko (2008) argue that, “the rise of digital technology means that content creation is no longer exclusive to media firms and marketers.” Content Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 IMC Overview----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Digital Technology Means That Content Creation Is No Longer Exclusive To Media Firms and Marketers---------------------------------------------------------6 Convergence as Glue---------------------------------------------------------------6 The Digital Media------------------------------------------------------------------8 Major Issues Facing Marketers---------------------------------------------------10 Brand engagement------------------------------------------------------------------10 Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Introduction Integrated Marketing Communications, or IMC, basically refers to the process of combining all the tools used in advertising so that they can function together. Promotion, one of the marketing mix’s 4 Ps, has its own combination of communication elements. All of these...

Words: 4542 - Pages: 19

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Marketing Communication

...MAKING SENSE OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION: The Concept of Positioning and the Lego Application. The concept of positioning is about placing a brand for a customer to understand and connect with the brand. The way a brand is positioned in the market ought to be the way a consumer can understand and interpret what the brand is. When the values or beliefs of a brand is perceived wrongly by a consumer, this means the brand positioning is wrong. Brand positioning can be either the product brand positioning where it passes a message of distinction to it consumers who hopefully perceives it the same way and it can also be price/ quality brand positioning where the quality is superior compared to its competitors. In the case of Lego, its positioning strategy is the grand strategy which is for Lego to get back to its roots and for its consumers to perceive brand Lego as a strong “brand that build legends”. What was the positioning tool used to implement this strategy? It utilized the point-of-purchase roadshows. This task was designated to the marketing team as they were best fit to ensure a successful task. They as well, divided the marketing team into different department for the road show like sales, advertising, event management, PR, in-store merchandising and finance using tools like “targeted”, “laser guns”, “mobile tours e.g. bionic unleashed” targeted at different age groups. Another positioning strategy utilized for the brand to pass a message of visibility to its consumers...

Words: 372 - Pages: 2

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Marketing Communication

...Assignment 2 Marketing Essay Assignment 2 MKT 202 Marketing Communication The heart of any business success lies in its marketing. Most aspects of any business depend on successful marketing. The overall marketing umbrella covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers. Without marketing, the business may offer the best products or services in your industry, but none of the business’s potential customers would know about it. Without marketing, sales may crash and companies may have to close. 1 Marketing communications is a management process through which an organisation engages with its various audiences. 2A new era is unfolding in the field of advertise, promotions, and marketing communication. All organisations – large and small, commercial, government, charities, educational and other not-for-profit organisations all need to communicate with a range of stakeholders. This may be in order to get materials and services to undertake their business activities, or to collaborate and coordinate with others to secure suitable distribution of their goods and services. In addition, there are consumers – you and me – people who are free to choose among the many hundreds and thousands of product offerings. At this Marketing communications provides a core activity so that all interested parties can understand the intentions of others and appreciate the value...

Words: 1578 - Pages: 7

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Marketing Communication

...MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS By (Name): Course: Tutor: University: City/State: Date: Marketing Communications Introduction It is imperative for all companies to communicate with the involved stakeholders. These stakeholders include the government, the vendors, the retailers, and the clientele in a particular locale. Marketing communications refers to management procedures that entail interactions with distinct audiences from diverse backgrounds (Blakeman 2009). The study shall examine the features of an integrated marketing communications mix strategy for Hewlett Packard Company. More intently, the research shall focus on a strategy that pertains to launching a new HP venture in China. In addition, this essay shall examine the competitors of HP in the Chinese locale, the features of the Chinese market, and the marketing strategies of HP’s competitors in China. It is necessary to define some critical terms that are relevant to the analysis of this essay. Integrated marketing communications involves displaying an idea that relates to marketing communications planning. It distinguishes the benefits extensive plans and it scrutinizes the strategic functions of different communication disciplines (Fill 2002). The marketing communications mix deals with the consolidation of the specific mixes and these are advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing (Ruskin-Brown...

Words: 1119 - Pages: 5

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Marketing Communications

...STUDENT NUMBER: 1008267 MODULE TITLE: Marketing Communications MODULE LEADER: Chris Wollaston ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 1 THE ROLE OF BRANDING IN THE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MIX There are many interpretations of marketing communications. (Chris Fill 2009)’s visual approach of marketing communications is that of using communication so as to make the consumers to be aware and also persuade them to buy the goods and services, thereby saying that marketing communications is a management process which a business engages with its various audiences. The marketing communications consist of a set of tools in different combination so as to communicate with its target audience. The marketing communications mix is made up of three elements which are: tools, media and messages. This essay will be divided in three parts; the first part will talk about brands and its characteristics, the second part will talk about the strategic role of branding in the marketing communication mix and the last part ill talk about the brand packaging and also how the brand logo augments the brand. All these, shall be seen in the subsequent paragraphs: A brand is now considered as one of the most powerful ideas in the business world. (Leslie et al 2011) suggests that brands are the main capital of the business, being major assets of the business. Also, (Rik Riezebos 2003) argue that a brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one organization’s good or service as unique...

Words: 2568 - Pages: 11

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Marketing Communication

...Marketing communication is a set of means executed by companies to give notice, convince and remind potential and actual customers directly or indirectly about the products, service and brands they market to lead to a higher level of trust in the provider and to guarantee the service will be delivered sound enough as promised, thereby encouraging the benefits of both customers and service providers (Kotler et al, 2009). Successful marketing communication relies on a combination of options called the promotional mix. These options include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and personal selling. (Encyclopaedia of Business, 2nd ed. ). Along with the rise in the uses of the Internet, sponsorship and celebrities, the traditional five elements were significantly impacted. Whether the traditional five are still relevant or not, the judgement should depend on the features and functions of both of the traditional and fresh elements. The functions of Advertising is to transmit information to customers and help them to develop positive attitudes of the provider and products. The main carriers of Advertising are paper advertising and public media advertising (non paper). The paper advertisings, such as newspapers and magazines are more widely spread and easy to form a fixed group of information recipients. Advertising on public media can appeal people from both visual and hearing effects. It is very effective but the cost is much higher, like TV commercials...

Words: 1111 - Pages: 5

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Marketing Communication, the need for an effective marketing communications mix is becoming increasingly important for every company around the world. “Marketing communications are a management process through which an organization engages with its various audiences. By understanding an audience’s communications environment, organizations seek to develop and present messages for their identified stakeholder groups, before evaluating and acting upon the responses. By conveying messages that are of significant value, they encourage audiences to offer attitudinal and behavioral responses” (Fill 2006, p. 1/10). Marketing mix is also called promotional mix as it focuses on using the 5 main marketing communications tools; advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing and personal selling to increase sales and awareness about the brand. Collectively the role of the elements included in the marketing communication mix is to inform, persuade and remind potential buyers of the product or service. As a new product enters the market customers perceive the product or service with uncertainty. This doubt is minimized by making the customers aware of the new product through advertising and personal selling. While awareness increases, product uncertainty decreases and sales promotion is used to stimulate demand. At the same time public relation aims to increase goodwill of the company by maintaining long term relations with customers. While direct marketing shapes the behavior of the target...

Words: 5198 - Pages: 21

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Marketing Communication

...reputation of Starbucks’ coffee taste is not so good despite of their success; this is their weakness to improve. Likewise, conducting Macro analysis allows Starbucks to grow more. From the PESTEL analysis, Singapore is ideal country to spread their product. It is because the economy of Singapore is much prospered and grows 4.1% in 2013. Moreover, westernization of Singaporean will enhance value of Starbucks. After analyzing external and internal environment, company need to make marketing strategy to suite their target market. Starbucks clearly segment its clientele on demographic bases. They focus its offer on the age of its customers, often between 25 and 40, but also on income since these are quite high wages. As mentioned, Starbucks targets on upper class and middle class people and provides customers with premium coffee experience which cannot get from Mc Café and Dunkin’ Donuts. Starbucks is success because they can find appropriate position in the industry. Additionally, marketing mix is crucial because it helps Starbucks to develop products to satisfy target customer’s needs. Starbucks successes to charge right price and distribute the right place at...

Words: 3443 - Pages: 14

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Marketing Communications

...А.Н. АНДРЕЕВА МАРКЕТИНГОВЫЕ КОММУНИКАЦИИ ПРОГРАММА КУРСА АННОТАЦИЯ КУРСА Курс «Маркетинговые коммуникации» рассматривает и анализирует различные коммуникационные инструменты современного маркетинга и их комбинации (рекламу, PR, стимулирование сбыта, рекламу на местах продажи и т.д.) в контексте маркетинговой ориентации деятельности компании. Основной акцент курса сделан на понимание и создание эффективного плана маркетинговых коммуникаций, с ясными и последовательными целями и задачами, а также критериями оценки коммуникационных программ в маркетинге. Курс является авторским и предполагает глубокое вовлечение студентов, специализирующихся в маркетинге, в процесс выбора инструментов маркетинговых коммуникаций в зависимости от целей и задач маркетинга организации. Цель курса • Формирование у студентов целостного представления о системе маркетинговых коммуникаций входящих в состав комплекса маркетинга (маркетинг-микса). Задачи курса • Изучение и анализ основных инструментов маркетинговых коммуникаций: реклама, связи с общественностью, стимулирование сбыта, прямой маркетинг, мерчендайзинг и POS-материалы, маркетинг событий, продакт плейсмент и т.д. • Анализ и создание базы для принятия решений в сфере бюджетирования коммуникационных маркетинговых программ. • Формирование у студентов знаний и навыков планирования, управления и оценки коммуникационных программ (кампаний) в сфере маркетинга, направленных на эффективное продвижение продуктов (услуг) организации...

Words: 6007 - Pages: 25

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Marketing Communications

...and broader picture of sponsorship and how the company Fresh Fruit Soda can gain the confidence and loyalty of its customers in order to establish and expand its business. The brand Fresh Fruit Soda is a new and emerging brand in the market whose target audience is the drinkers who are fond of frizzy drinks. This paper will help and identify different marketing strategies and opportunities for the brand to increase its sale and which would be helpful for the Fresh Fruit Soda to penetrate in the market by taking an active part in advertising or by using the tools of sponsorship. It explains whether this company should invest in sponsorship or use any of the marketing tools. The report a critical analysis and overview will be presented to the Marketing Director and to recommend the measures and steps that would help the company to stay in business. 2.0 Overview of Sponsorship Sponsorship is a part of an integrated strategy (Burningham, 2014) acts as a valuable and important tool as it targets those consumers who avoid advertising and are not in favor of it. Some brands use this sponsorship as a marketing tool to fully exploit the passion of its audience by sponsoring some program or participating and sponsoring some football league or campaign (Wareman, 2008). Sponsorship like advertising use advocates the persuasive role but claim to create awareness and improvement in the perceptions of the audience by linking that sponsorship with some league, organization...

Words: 2001 - Pages: 9

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Marketing Communication Theory

...Marketing Communication Theory Shayan Ahmed Mir (MIRSB1501) Marketing Communication BUS215 Dinesh Nanayakkara Words Count: 810 According to the most common definition, communication “it is the process of transferring thoughts, ideas and feelings from one person to another in commonly understandable ways” (Cheryl et al). (Mueller) Communication originates in the mind of sender as mental images who wish to convey that message to the receiver. Mental images can be in any form including ideas, feelings, expressions pictures or emotions. To transfer the mental image across, the source first needs transpose the images into a form that is commonly understood by both the source and receiver which is called as encoding.  Once a message has been encoded, the next level in the communication process is choosing the right medium to transmit the message to a receiver. Medium is the means by which the message is sent. Communication medium can be commonly categorized into verbal (via telephone call, face to face meetings), written (letters or newspapers), and visual forms (electronic media, diagrams). Other transmission medium that influence the message sent may include touch, gestures, clothing, and physical distances between sender and receiver, lighting and surrounding of the meeting etc. When making a marketing strategy choosing the right medium of communication is critical. For example if the masses are targeted like in the case of fast moving consumer goods, above the line...

Words: 850 - Pages: 4

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Marketing Communication

...Creative Strategy We will be using the CAN criteria to create the sample advertisement in the magazine insert. The magazine insert will stay connected to the target audience, be appropriate for all individuals and create a novelty effect for Herbal Essence. The advertisement will connect to the target audience by hiring the top model…. to endorse the product. It is a partial abstract of her face where she will look towards her luscious hair where the face reveals only her eyes and lips to create an abstract effect by focusing mainly on her luscious hair. The model’s expression would reflect that she is astonished that she has gotten such a luscious hair. Her wide eyes and a little open lip would signify that she is awed with the product effectiveness. This full page advertisement will highlight her luscious hair which is the need for many young women. This advertisement with the sachet attached will be placed in the centre page of the ‘Her World ‘magazine, the reason as to why it is being placed in the centre is that it would attract even browsers of the magazine as the centre page will stop when flipped in a rush. This would catch the attention of people who do not even purchase the ‘Her World’ magazine but also the browsers who are keen to know what are the contents inside the magazine. The key shape sample of Herbal essences ‘’Hello Hydration’’ shampoo will be glued to the centre of her long luscious hair as a symbolic message to consumers. The need for a key shape of...

Words: 1098 - Pages: 5

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The General Communication Process and Its Implication on Marketing Communication

...The general communication process and its implication on marketing communication Introduction Organizations today are heavily dependent on information to meet organizational needs. Effective communication plays a key role in fulfilling these needs and contributes significantly to organizational or business success. In this globalization period effective communication is critical to any organization and can help it in many ways. In fact, communication plays a role in product development, customer relations, and employee management - virtually every facet of a business' operations. In communication we share meaning in what we say and how we say it, both in oral and written forms. If we could not communicate, what would life be like? A series of never-ending frustrations,? Not being able to ask for what we need or even to understand the needs of others? Generally being unable to communicate might even mean losing a part of ourselves. Thus, in order to achieve results and being successful, it can be valuable to understand what communication is and how it works. The main objective of this paper is to explain the implication of general communication process on marketing communication. However, before we go through, we would like to clarify what general communication process is and what marketing communication is. What is communication, Marketing Communication and Communication Process? Communication Communication is a process through which senders and receivers of the message...

Words: 4425 - Pages: 18

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Integrated Marketing Communications

...Intercontinental Hotel Group - Integrated Marketing Communications Individual Assignment no. 2 Syesha Kapoor LRB305188 Strategic Brand Management 2013-MBA II 2 Statement of authorship I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the dissertation. Signed: ___________________________ Date: _________________________ 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Research Background Company’s profile ………………………………………………………………………... 4 2. Integrated Marketing Communications Meaning, purpose of IMC………………………………………………………………… 4 IHG’s IMC…………………………………………………………………….…………… 5 Effect of IMC on Brand awareness and Brand Equity …………………………………... 5 3. Critical analysis of IMC used by the brand …………………………………………. 7 4. Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………….. 8 4 IGH COMPANY PROFILE Intercontinental group of hotels is a leading hospitality brand owner with more than 4600 hotels housing 674000 guest rooms in over 100 hotels worldwide (IHG Company Overview, 2013). Statistics show...

Words: 3575 - Pages: 15